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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9ztkzlnibv9kkxshtsw21/Loki-S02E03-1893-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=zx3rk6wmtsxruds2f762gme17&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

I like period pieces, but the sepia tone is so cliché. I don't know why Hollywood continues with the stupid idea that everything in the past was sepia colored. Just say its 1893 and that's enough, we don't need color filters. Is it just me or does OB look a lot like Jackie Chan. Did Kang ... learn to speak ... on stage ... from William ... Shatner. Nope. Evidently its a speech impediment. My bad. It's giant Bubbles. OK, Ms. Minutes seems to have a crush on Kang. She's kind of creepy. Eeew He Who Remains ... remains. Good reaction Shan. I enjoyed it.


In my opinion, Loki was the strongest of the Marvel shows, after the early DD and JJ. What I appreciated the most was the story structure, which did a good job of setting the stakes, giving time for character development and more or less keeping an internal logic to it. I also liked the nod to classic golden age science fiction. There is an old novel by Isaac Asimov from 1955 called The End of Eternity. Both Loki's TVA and The Commission from The Umbrella Academy are obviously heavily influenced by the "Eternity" organization from that novel. Three episodes in, I'm struggling to see a similarly strong story structure in Season 2. I was particularly annoyed by the "just like that" way of resolving the crisis in Episode 1, where a new character (OB) is introduced and happens to know just the right way to get everyone out of a pickle. :-/