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Patrick - Excelsior

OK, they figured that X does indeed mark the spot. So Nick and Monroe are heading to Germany. Thanks in no small part to Trubel. Renard doing some back alley stuff to help that guy get elected while at same time getting some booty from the red head. Renard is only one getting busy, Nick and Adalind. Bow-chicka-wow-wow. The Black Claw assassin kills a basketball, way to ruin the fun dude. Question is, who (or what toy) will he shoot next. Again, I am glad they are not just ignoring all the history Nick has had with Adalind. I hate when shows just gloss over previous bad deeds characters have done just to allow a surprise romance. Here they are owning what Adalind did, just emphasizing that she has changed. I like that. That trap that bird dude set for the cop was obvious, but TV show gotta TV show. Looks like he is going to try to kill Renard. I liked the conversation Nick and Monroe had about Adalind. Both character development and at same time funny. Good writing IMO. The priest off to kill Nick even though he is “a man of god” is not surprising. Especially in this context. The journey Nick/Monroe are on is because of the Crusades. The Crusades was a holy war declared by the Catholic church against the Muslim residing near Jerusalem. This was done in reality to steal the wealth there. It resulted in the death of 2 to 6 million people (to give perspective, the entire population of Europe and Middle East at that time was 60 million). The way the writers handled the shooting of the Mayor, I did not like. The assassin had a picture of Renard. They did this intentionally to make us think he was the target. But why would they show a picture of Renard to the killer if the target was the mayor. Makes no sense. Nick and Monroe falling into hole was funny. Looks like they found something.