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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7oivckwef1eji8qn50tbd/Iron-Fist-S02E08-Citadel-On-The-Edge-Of-Vengeance-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=ucp85qeur2dtmtbnuj1jkikpu&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

Yes, this season sooo much better than Season 1. Really good episode. We see Danny learning how to not be obsessed with the Fist while we see Davos being corrupted by it more and more. I feel bad for the shop keeper. He finally learns that its wrong to participate in the mob violence by being a part of one gang or the other. Only to get killed for saying it to Davos. Then the kid gang leader sees that Davos is nuts, decides to leave only to get his throat cut but a butt kisser. Joy seems more and more to be trying to deceive Davos, to get the bowl while at same time trying to temper him. Not that its working. I don't know if she should be involving that kid in the hunt for bowl. She may get him killed. Collen Wing, an Iron Fist, that sounds intriguing.