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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qyztellrtpy2a2jlya0o2/Roswell-S02E06-Harvest-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=bm6gg4uz5aawdlccw56y26rzk&dl=0

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If I had to think like a TV show I'd say that they cracked whatever gasses it is they pour in to grow the husks and that those gasses happen to be flammable to an explosive degree and that in cracking that glass tubing they also exposed some wiring which sparked. True death star level construction there but that's the best I can do.


I wish the buffy remaster was as good as the charmed remaster. The charmed remaster is absolutely beautiful and i would go as far as to say its the definitive way to watch it. They even have all the original music on the blu-rays. Petition for them to redo the buffy remaster but put actual effort into it?


I have a love hate relationship with the next several episodes starting with this (except the Christmas one). Roswell started airing to me in the Philippines on the cable channel Star World from October 2001 til March or April 2002 as typically we got shows 1 to 2 seasons behind, season 2 would start up again in October. The show ends in May 2002 but I was online reading the spoiler free synopsis of Season 2 and 3 on sites. My long time Roswell friend who I said posts the inspirational quotes sent me VHS recordings of everything a month or 2 afterwards that I received probably in July or August (still have those tapes) or so she thought as she messed up the Season 3 settings so she only actually recorded a handful of episodes and the Unaired Pilot on the last 3 tapes. While waiting for those tapes to arrive I found out a local channel was already airing Season 2. I'm about 80% certain this was the 1st episode I saw on that channel (the other 20 goes to the episode that starts the next arc) so I was kinda shocked seeing what we saw here with no context of the 1st 5 episodes - like who's the other blonde chick, Liz slept with Kyle? Anyway once the tapes arrived I binged Season 2 before it would air on cable but would have to wait another full year to see season 3. When the local channel started airing season 3, for some reason it would only go up to episode 12 then repeat episode 1, and it did that several times over. I have no recollection of the local channel going past that so it's quite possible some people in my country think the show ended there. Then it took me another year or so til I saw the 3 or 4 episodes of season 3 I missed due to cable in college dropping the channel. I got to my home city in time after my graduation to catch the final 2 episodes which was most important.


1. Yeah I believe I've heard the story before of your mum going to a psychic and being told one of her daughters was gonna have twins ...Further proof I suppose that psychics are fake as fuck ....Still ...There's money to be made there since there's a lot of gullible idiots out there ...Your mum included 2. Ok let's not make a habit of saying "It's all connected" Froots ... Let's keep that kinda shit on YouTube where it belongs 3. Hold the fucking phone ....Are they saying Congress Woman Lady had a brother?? And this teenager is said brother???? ....Congress Woman Lady .....Who was what??? 30-something?? Early 40-something??? Had a brother who's like ...13 or some shit???? I'm sorry ...I find it hard to believe that her parents (I don't think any of this is real btw and these are ALL. just Skins) ..Her "parents" who look like old geezers still had another kid 20 years after Congress Woman Lady supposedly was born ...added later... Ok scrap ALL. of what I just said ...Congress Woman Lady was adopted ...I'mma guess the "brother" was adopted too?? Such a large age gap though ....I feel they might've miscast the younger brother ..He's a bit too young looking for all this ...Plus I'm typing this while editing.. Dude was NOT. menacing AT. ALL. when revealed to be the bad guy near the end ...I'm was sitting there like ...Kid... Shut the fuck up.. Nobody feels threatened by you 4. Ok that was weird writing right there ...Maria earlier in the episode called Michael "Mikey G" ...Obviously cause his name is Michael Guerin ....But then here.. A bunch of scenes later we got Waitress Girl ALSO. calling him Mikey G .....I don't believe either of them have called him that before and certainly not in eachothers presence .....So how come all of a sudden BOTH. of them call them by this nickname?? ...Weird 5. True... Max is saying he doesn't believe what he saw last episode and he's pushing Liz to tell him the truth ....Meaning that last episodes events were all for nothing... His feelings didn't change all that much aside from the fact that he's hurt about what he saw but doesn't believe Liz would sleep with Kyle ...Conclusion... All of it was just done for the sake of drama 6. Liz to Max: "Kyle and I made love..." .....Ok... I've NEVER. in my daaaamn life heard an ACTUAL. person the age of Liz say "made love" ....That's SUCH. a NON-teenager thing to say ...."Kyle and I had all kindsa sex" ... "Kyle and I got busy" ... "Kyle and I FUCKED." while doing the whole putting finger in circle hand gesture and ending in trynna go for a potential high five ......But "made love" ???? Eeeesshh... That sounds so fucking cringey 7. Soooooo... Here's a question ...Have you ever had a bunch of teenagers you've never met over at your house and have them just rummage through your stuff like they own the place??? ....Cause that's EXACTLY. what's happening in this episode .....I dunno about you... I mean.. Hospitality is one thing... But if my guests decided to start going through my stuff like they're searching for loot chests... I'd have kicked them out hours ago ...Hell... They wouldn't have made it inside to be honest 8. Good idea Isabel... Let's split up from the rest of the group and follow the creepy kid down into a basement filled with pods ....Excellent life decision skills ....I'm surprised you're still alive 9. Why did the building with all the husks blow up? ....I'm guessing... And I'm just making up my own theory here.. Those glass pipes that Waitress Girl destroyed was cooling of some sort to keep whatever was powering the husk machines cooled ....By destroying those pipes the machines got too hot and everything blew up ...That's my guess on it... But you ARE right.. It was weird that everything all of a sudden started exploding ....They SHOULD have pointed out why and how this was happening ...Instead they did a Stargate and needed to quickly wrap up the episode