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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/oeotltlsczavk05aszczc/Person-Of-Interest-S03E05-Razgovor-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=tory7z2jhrkeqjvv3seys7yko&dl=0

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I remember when Shaw was added to the show, I strongly disliked her at first. It felt to me like they were just trying to make a female Reese, and I just was so against trying to do that just for the sake of having it. It was right about this episode where I started finally warming up to her. I also know that this next few episodes are some of the most pivotal in the series. Cant wait for you to get there, so we can all discuss it.


Ah, the Shaw episode. I like how they woved the case into HR and the Russians. But Shaw was the main event of the episode, backstory included, and I loved it. Carter going full badass was the other main event and it was very satisfying. Love them both. The child actress playing Jen was good as well.

Suzanne Hunt

Shaw and Carter both being smart kick-ass women was awesome in this episode ! I also really enjoyed Shaw's relationship with Gen and Shaw's backstory ! All of this makes this episode one of my favorites of the entire series! Wonderful reaction, Shan!


Great episode! Lots of interesting things here. The title Razgovor is a Russian word meaning "conversation" or "talk". I don't think they ever explicitly brought that up in the episode, but it was definitely a running theme. We learned a lot about Shaw through her conversations with the girl Gen and with the firefighters in the flashback of the car crash. On top of that, the catalyst for this week's case was Gen's recording of a phone conversation by HR. (There's probably more.) I thought that the whole quiet conversation between Shaw and Gen was excellent. Showing us how Shaw didn't flinch at gunfire and using that to explain her condition was a nice touch, better than just bringing up the big scary word "psychopath" all the time. If we believe Gen's idea that Shaw's emotions just have their volume turned way down, it adds an extra layer to the scene where they share a hug. For Shaw to be compelled to do that, it would be the equivalent of a normal person being simply overcome with emotion. I had forgotten enough about this episode and related story lines that I could watch some scenes here with fresh eyes. That blood transfusion scene between Shaw and Yogorov felt very intimate. Almost like foreplay Shaw-style! ^^) The writers did some good homework. The years 2011-2012-2013 were very contentious for Russian internal politics, with political repressions greatly ramping up (to be ramped up even more in the following years). A story of consequences faced by Russian political dissidents and their families was very topical and well picked up by POI. But they over did it a bit with the romanticism of the Soviet era. The KGB was not staffed by nice people! No matter how skilled they were in espionage. Who knows what Gen's grandfather got the Order of Lenin for. Ironically, it may have been for putting away the political dissidents of his time. Of course, like any large organization, the KGB was monolithic and the grandfather could have been one good apple in a barrel of rotten ones. The result is a bit tone-deaf or a missed opportunity to add more depth to the story.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I’m so glad you’re not one of the people who thought that the car crash is what “turned” Shaw into a “sociopath.” Cuz there have been a few who don’t understand that it’s literally just a visual of what Shaw was telling Gen in the episode; that she’s always been that way, but it wasn’t until she heard the fireman talking about her that she realised that she was different.