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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0adaue4c26ei6qcphuxtk/Chuck-S04E06-Chuck-Versus-The-Aisle-Of-Terror-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=ny9ctc8vtstyjakapsgofhbci&dl=0

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Really liked this episode! I loved seeing more of Chuck and Ellie's mom. I hope to see more of her soon. Not much else to say but yeah i really liked it!

David Brown

1, 2, Freddy's coming for you....

Suzanne Hunt

Freddy being scared by Jeff and Lester's stupid and cringy Isle of Terror was pretty funny! I enjoyed seeing Chuck and his mom interact! I couldn't believe it when she shot him!

Jeremy Burch

Finally caught up on the Chuck reactions since I got behind and now I can make comments again. They've had so many guests over the last several episodes, the Incredible Hulk, Robert Englund, a supermodel, Nicole Richie, wrestlers like Stone Cold Steve Austin, Stacy Keibler and Batista, Joel David Moore whose been in many things including Avatar and Dodgeball, the Old Spice guy Isiah Mustafa who was also in Shadowhunters and IT, which I know you probably haven't seen, Eric Roberts and more. I really love Chuck and Sarah's relationship and everything they've been doing with them this season. I also really like Morgan and Alex's relationship, I like that Morgan has someone in his life now. I also like Casey building his relationship with his daughter and with Morgan as well, including Morgan helping with Casey's old team and Casey helping Morgan with Alex. Side Notes. It took me a second but I did get the Firefly joke. Wasn't that a random cliffhanger with the ring. Marriage counseling to stop a potential nuclear war, that's a new one. So glad that Jeff and Lester are back, huh, they've had so much character growth, oh, wait, nope, there still just harassing people and making jokes that aren't funny, but honestly I do like Big Mike though. Also, I guess I do have to say at least Jeff and Lester were helpful a couple of times this season and they haven't said as many harassing comments, so that's something. Now, I just have to catch up on your Roswell and Stargate Atlantis reactions.