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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/k2k27fkg36zhrqb83ujqz/Iron-Fist-S02E07-Morning-Of-The-Mindstorm-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=vwdwgrz24zhjkojjnk8wvqd4y&dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

I think the deal with Coleen training Danny is, most of his fighting and training has been with or preparing for the Iron Fist. He still has much to learn about different styles of fighting. He definitely needs to learn to fight without it. Coleen can teach him things he hasn't learned before. So, he is adding some technique to his arsenal. Most martial artists never stop learning.

Patrick - Excelsior

I liked the music while Danny was getting surgery. Unusual for Ironfist but good for me. I’m just guessing here, but maybe Joy’s comment about Walker just trying to protect her and Joy needing her combined with whatever that was in the flashback convinced her to let Walker take control. And they pretty much explain that a few scenes later. Yeah, not sure what Joy is up to. Is she really siding with Davos or is she trying to get info? The kids came to Davos, surprising. But then again there had to be a reason for the scene of Davos inviting them to train under him. Chekov’s gun and all. He needs Colleen to train him because she knows the Hand technique of fighting. A system designed over a thousand years to counter an Iron Fist. Danny and Davos were trained by the same Master, so they know the same fighting styles. But if Danny learns the Hand technique, he will have an edge on Davos. An edge he needs since Davos has the Fist and Danny doesn’t.