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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8vh4dsvgh4vr9fhy4hu8l/Roswell-S02E05-The-End-Of-The-World-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=jvzu4a75ik855q9wfun686t0r&dl=0

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Arthur Perry

Wasn't it awesome!!!!


I loved this episode. My favorite in the season and probably one of my favorites in the series so far. Im overall liking the direction of season 2. Although im not too fond of the Max and Tess thing but i know Max and Liz have to be endgame right? RIGHT??

Patrick - Excelsior

OK, based on the way future Max is dressed, I am calling him Mad Max for the episode. The popsicle comment was funny Shan. "I have 2 tickets. What, not good enough, how about .... 2 popsicles! Still not enough, look, its .... a brand new car!! All this and and a life time supply of Rice-A-Roni, the San Francisco treat, can all be yours, if you just sleep with me".


"Hold on while I pause"




* the rest of what I was going to say but I forgot that you can't erase these damn things and start over so screw it. It wasn't important anyway.


I forgot a minor little detail that gets lost in time now is that Max has 2 tickets to see Gomez. Gomez is the band that sings the song that played over their 1st kiss scene in 1x09 Heat Wave. That song was replaced for the DVD which is probably the song replacement that pissed off the fans most (or 2nd at worst to Michael in the rain in 1x15 if they were more a Michael and Maria fan).


1. Max?? Did you travel to the Fortress Of Solitude?? Where did you get that crystal from mah dude?? You better put that back where you found it or someone's gonna be pissed ....But also ...Interesting to see the Kryptonians and Roswellians (for lack of knowing their alien species name) uses the same tech............ Holy shit ...So do the Goa'uld and The Asgard ....It's all connected Froots! ...Puts on tinfoil hat... 2. Interesting how "fortune tellers" always seem to live in rickety ass run down looking houses ...You'd THINK (if you're gullible and believe in that shit) that they'd know enough about the future that they'd be able to set themselves up with something better .....But hey... I respect that lady for being able to make money off of idiots I suppose 3. Yeah where are Liz's parents that they don't hear her screaming at Future Max? ...several scenes later... Aaaaand there's dad... Took ya long enough dude ...Oh and then he sees Max strolling off with a mariachi band and is basically just like "Ah you silly goof" ...And the award for Worlds Chillest Dad goes to.. 4. From what I could find... YUP. ...That's ACTUALLY Jason Behr singing and not someone else ....But why the FUCK. Max would decide to go with a mariachi band is beyond me though ...I've never in my DAMN. life EVER. heard a girl say they really fucking LOVE. mariachi bands 5. Future Max: "If a person encounters themselves in another time period there could be a reaction" ......Yup.. I've seen this movie too Max... Let's not use Back To The Future as a documentary on time travel mah dude 6. Kyle to Tess: "I feel all this energy coming from you right now... In order to trim the lamp of wisdom we must attend to our bodily needs" .......Dude... I thought you were studying bhudism?? ...Fairly certain monks don't have sex .....Also... How the FUCK. did Tess almost fall for that line?? 7. Yeah... Just be nicer to Tess and maybe she won't leave ....But nah... Tess WANTS. Max all for herself... So it's either all of him or she leaves 8. Yeah did Michael just turn Waitress Girl on by telling her to go take a shower so they can have sex?? ......This episode has some really FUCKED. UP. pick-up lines that would NEVER. work ........Would they? 9. Jeebus fucking a chrysler Waitress Girl... You got a LOT. of lotion in that cabinet ...And towels or something next to them? ......The fuck is you doing with all that shit next to your bed??? ...And don't tell me that's a boy thing ....This bish is an alien ...You don't know if she's got something extra down there 10. Future Max just said Liz was 17 ...Also Future Max: "We got married at 19" ...You: "Wow that's like a year away" .....Right... So I'm guessing you skipped your 18th birthday then Froots? 11. Good on Alex for telling off Michael for hurting Maria ...He's a good friend 12. Rude... Disappearing in the middle of a dance ...But ok 13. I meeeeaaaannn... It this the end of Max and Liz??? I very much fucking doubt it is ...You go through all this trouble to make Max fall out of love with you but then you end the episode with Liz still OBVIOUSLY. being into Max.. Judging from how she was dancing and smiling with Future Max ....CLEARLY. there's more to this ...But for the sake of drama we'll probably have some Max / Tess stuff now I guess


RE 1: Let me feed your multiverse tin foil hat theory. I haven't seen Lois and Clark since it aired but I learned a few years ago the season 3 finale of which aired 4 years prior to the season 1 finale of Roswell (May 96 vs May 00) has a 60 second scene of Lois and Clark in the Fortress of Solitude and virtual Jor-El gives almost verbatim the same it's your Destiny / save Krypton speech. Looking at imdb, one of the late Season 1 Roswell writers has Lois and Clark episodes on her imdb. She wasn't credited on that episode in particular so maybe she was in the room when the writers came up with that and recycled it for Roswell.