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OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/i5hctw4l

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lo9sr5poaehhmde5ukrjv/Person-Of-Interest-S03E04-Reasonable-Doubt-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=n8he1ffdctudunu7gb9a5huej&dl=0

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I fell for her back in Life and carried it forward. As to the show feeling disconnected I don't know if it's true of this one but a lot of main channel TV shows used to keep a show on the shelf just in case something happened with the show they meant to air production wise . This could be having to use one of those.

Andrew Polinski

I call this the Double Jeopardy episode, Double Jeopardy(1999) was a movie starring Ashley Judd, the story went very much like the start of the episode, wife charged with husbands murder on a boat but in the movie she was convicted, while in jail she sees her husband in the background of a news story and escapes to get her revenge. Since she has already been convicted for his murder she can kill him without being convicted for it again which is the double jeopardy law. Of course this episode takes that and goes bat shit crazy with it and not in a really good way unfortunately

igor.kh (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-07 19:45:07 Ah, the amount of filler that was tolerated in the era of 22-episode seasons! I actually liked the female prosecutor in this episode. They created her as a competent and resourceful character. It's too bad that they kind of wasted her on this story.
2023-10-07 12:47:57 Ah, the amount of filler that was tolerated in the era of 22-episode seasons! I actually liked the female prosecutor in this episode. They created her as a competent and resourceful character. It's too bad that they kind of wasted her on this story. PS: The YouTube algorithm popped up another POI reactor. The channel is called "Neil Talks". He got up to 2x02, but now seems to be on hiatus.

Ah, the amount of filler that was tolerated in the era of 22-episode seasons! I actually liked the female prosecutor in this episode. They created her as a competent and resourceful character. It's too bad that they kind of wasted her on this story. PS: The YouTube algorithm popped up another POI reactor. The channel is called "Neil Talks". He got up to 2x02, but now seems to be on hiatus.