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OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/p6buksdr

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w7viv78hqd772k0kopxf4/Chuck-S04E05-Chuck-Versus-The-Couch-Lock-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=dhm47y98jujeny51nbnq5uy1v&dl=0

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Yeah i really like this episode. Morgan and Alex are cute together. Im happy that Morgan gets to be in a happy relationship too. Morgan has really grown on me alot, him being in the know about spy stuff was the single best thing the show a done for his character. Chuck and Sarah are cute as always, proving that you can fully commit to characters being in a relationship without drama and it not get boring. Jeff and Lester wasnt annoying this episode but just a little weird. At least they werent creepy. They work better when they arent being creepy. Im excited for more of the mom storyline. Lets see where this goes!

Suzanne Hunt

I simply love ❤️ Morgan in this episode! Especially the scene where he tells Casey about dating Alex. It was the perfect way to get Casey angry to cure him of couch-lock! I can't wait for more Chuck! Thanks for the wonderful reaction, Shan!