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I liked this episode somewhat. It really won me over by the end. Loved finding out about the guy who saved them as fetuses. It was decent. Not a great episode but also not bad. Probably one of my least favorite episodes of the series so far though.


I don't tend to like episodes like this in any series and while this was done better than most it's still probably my least favorite episode of the season as far as I can remember . I haven't been feeling well lately so I had a lot of reactions to catch up with, so Roswell got watched in a clump today . Wanted to say that I really like the black dress you had on last week. very flattering on you.


Fun fact: Charles Napier, the actor who plays the old soldier telling his story to Michael, played an Army general in a time-travel episode of a "Star Trek" series that also explored the Roswell conspiracy.

Patrick - Excelsior (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-26 12:53:52 I like this color even more than the darker brown. Very Pretty. Old people creep you out ... 😢
2023-09-26 10:28:39 I like this color even more than the darker brown. Very Pretty. If he fought in WW2, he is pre baby boomer, He would be Silent Generation.

I like this color even more than the darker brown. Very Pretty. If he fought in WW2, he is pre baby boomer, He would be Silent Generation.

David Brown

Actually, the Greatest Generation. The Silent Generation would be those who might have fought in The Korean War, but were not quite old enough to have been in WW2.

Patrick - Excelsior

The Silent Generation, also known as the Traditionalist Generation, is generally defined as people born from 1928 to 1945. So 1945 would make him 17. So, OK.


1. Whoops... Tony had some typos in his notes ...That's neeeevver happened to Shannan before ...Right?? ....Shut uuuuuppp ..smirk.. 2. First of all.. I'm glad Isabel didn't go with the whole keeping the granolyth a secret trope ...Often characters find shit and then don't tell anyone else (I mean.. I.. would do that shit.. But it's annoying on TV Shows/movies) 3. And second... "Do you think it can hear us"?!?! YEAH! That was a fucking weird question to ask... We're just assuming this thing is sentient somehow?? Or what? That it has a direct line to whatever planet you guys come from??? ....Tess?? Mah gurl??? What have you been smoking?? 4. Yes Michael... Let's tell Liz to take a hike while she's talking about there having been calls coming into Congress Woman Lady's office asking where she is .....See.... THIS. is why you're NOT. in charge ...It's like you WANT. the government to come looking 5. Old boomers Max and Michael are looking at crash site "That's no plane I've ever seen" .....Bish... There's nothing there but a bunch of rubble! ....A plane crash would have at least SOME. parts of the plane still be recognisable ....This crash site looks like production got a bunch of garbage and some metal parts and dumped it into the shot to make it look like a crash .....They should have done a better job here and CGI'd in half of a flying saucer or something ....This came out in late 2000.. Don't tell me they couldn't pull that shit off semi-convincingly ...They half-assed this 6. Am I the only one who thinks it's weird we got actors who are supposedly playing 16 to 18 year olds running around as captains and colonels in the army in 1947?? ....Look... I'm SURE. there were kids that age in the army ....But captains???? That's a bit much 7. You: "Phone number?? In 49??" .......Froots... First of all.. 47.. Second... The phone was invented in the mid 1800's ...It was very much around in 1947 ....We're slowly getting to that part where a 100 years ago we weren't THAT. lacking in technology ...I mean.. We WERE. compared to now.. And I would NOT. want to live in those times ...But we weren't in the stone age either 8. Boomer Isabel to Boomer Michael: "You left your socks here" Boomer Michael: "They're not mine" ....Me.. My eyes widening ...Voicing out loud: "Oh SHIT. ...BUSTED!" 9. Y'know what's kinda funny... Boomer Liz was told by her superiors not to talk about what she saw during the autopsy of the crashed aliens ....Guess what she did??? ...That's right ...Even though she was playing a different character... They STILL had her portray a character that spilled secrets ...And what's even funnier ...She spilled the secret to Boomer Maria! ...You can't make this shit up! 10. I was almost about to compliment the set designers for making the Crashdown look so different in those 1947 shots ...Then the camera panned up and you were able to see the blue-ish green part of the walls near the ceiling ....They covered up the walls in wooden textures but figured the cameras would only shoot at certain angles ...They fucked up 11. Ok this episode has been pretty shit... But those last few minutes were kinda cool with Michael using his powers and then telling the boomer he saved him 12. I meeeaaaan... Ofcourse we're assuming this whole episode was a history lesson about them... It's really obvious that it was about them ....Unless you know about ANOTHER. Roswell crash in 1947???