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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9afony6h3yuai098vrmzl/Person-Of-Interest-S03E03-Lady-Killer-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=ruuq0pp4wyx4lqa2vppaks8hi&dl=0

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This is one of the few person of interest episodes I have saved. And I'm surprised how much of it I had forgotten . I completely forgot the second-half of the A story and I thought root had a lot more screen time although I love that storyline. I've been waiting for this episode to come around . Very much enjoyed myself.


The case was okay, but the character interactions leveled up the episode. The ladies showing each other their weapons is one of my favorite scenes. It's too bad we didn't get to see John give Zoe the taser, but a good way to write in they interact more than we see. I love how much Shaw and Bear love each other because I love both of them. Good ending with Root. I love the guys but it was nice to see them taking a back seat.


Meh case of the week. All valid points about the creep factor. She Machine: some deities are female. Though that might tell us more about the person who decides that. Bold new hair color: thumbs up. :-)