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Patrick - Excelsior

I love the new hair color. Very pretty. Great job with the fidget spinner. Shan, not a Pronoun, check. We are all kewl, double check. Mary making money from everyone. She’s giving Danny a lot of information about herself. Yeah, I noticed the double red Ironfist too. What the hell, one day with the fist and Davos is already better than Danny with it. More bad days for Danny, now a broken leg. I’m OK with the Mary transition. She called an ambulance first because that’s standard triage procedure. Mary being trained in military would do that. She was going to call Colleen but she heard the rain. She doesn’t have to be in water, just hear it for the pacifist Mary to take over. That’s why she was always turning the sinks on when she felt Walker talking over earlier in the series. I'm really enjoying these episodes.