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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8kkqz9dja05doo7bskg9h/Chuck-S04E04-Chuck-Versus-The-Coup-D-Etat-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=0cnox0wvlx9yvijcv8lsegcb8&dl=0

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I really like how they are actually advancing their relationship in the story. Them just talking about marriage and other couple stuff in every episode is nice.


I am SOOOO disappointed we didn't get any Jeff and Lester this episode :) and btw, I like your hair... I think it looks nicer than before. I think it suits you better!


Don't worry they will probably back next episode lol 😆

Patrick - Excelsior

I got it about 8 seconds after you started singing it. Funny Shan, very funny. Love it. Made me want to drink some Mudders Milk. Have you noticed how this show always finds a way to show Sarah in tiny lingerie, tight clothing, mini dresses and in this episode numerous tiny bathing suits.. I was so upset, I rewound the scene so I could be disgusted all over again. Seven times. 🤭 Seriously, I'm not sure what's getting sold more here, Subway or Yvonne's body.


I still find it crazy that Subway saved the show.

David Brown

I'm not sure if you recognised him here, or the last time he was on, or if anyone else mentioned it to you. Premier Goya was Odysseus in The Odyssey.