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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2k4zsikclt4r8gw9qhs5n/Stargate-SG-1-S08E16-Reckoning-Part-1-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=r6609c9wwyjshqtxw3o8ieua7&dl=0

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With the mission report thing, the stones transmit what you're thinking, not what you're physically doing. Jack may not have written out what everyone was wearing or other unimportant details, but remembering "carter and i went here and did x" as youre writing the important bits down *probably* is going to have the visual memory in mind, which is what joe was seeing


Dakara is a month and a little bit away from The Body. And she's already fracturing a bit. I tend to use that episode to see how badly seeing red is gonna destroy them. Just watched another reactor just cut the feed on seeing red which if I recall correctly is how you reacted. And there's another one who's currently only in season 2 who's so incredibly empathetic that she may not make it to seeing red. Now if I only had something to say about this episode of this show :) once again I'm sorry for rambling on but you opened the door . I do like just about any episode with replicaCarter in it and this one is no exception.