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This was a very good episode. My favorite so far this season. Really interested in their past lives. I hope we see their planet one day and maybe even see flashbacks to their old lives.


1. Ok so I was under the mistaken impression that Isabel and Alex were dating ....But apparently this dude who has no business dating a teenager is still in Roswell 2. Seriously Liz?? Congress Woman Lady went into the bathroom to powder her nose or whatever ....I HIGHLY doubt you've got enough time to break into her locked, yoing some CD out of there, put it in the cd-player and listen to whatever's on there AND put the CD bac whe....... Aaaaaand busted... This girl stupid 3. HOLD. UP!... GHWAT!?! ...Max and Sheriff Valenti are going through Tess's stuff and talking about her and Max's connection ...Max: "It's complicated" Valenti: "She wanted to jump your bones huh?" Max: "Something like that" Valenti: "Screws things up every time" Max: "Happened to you?" Valenti: "In my dreams" ..........PAUSE!... Did Valenti just admit he had dreams where Tess wanted to "jump his bones" ....She's a teenager mah dude ...If this is a dream you had... Why are you casually admitting to it to Max?? ...Way to dial up the creep factor 4. Yeah nah.... I'm not buying this ....Door magically opens and it's Congress Woman Lady??? Nah Froots.. We're dealing with Skins here ...People who can (I think) shapeshift ....I'm betting that this is Waitress Girl pretending to be Congress Woman Lady (I honestly don't know ...I obviously have never seen Season 2 and 3 from what I can tell) 5. ......Ehm... Ok.. I guess I was wrong??? Weird turn of events for this Congress Woman Lady to all of a sudden be a Skin and now to be dead but ok ....But just so we're keeping track here... That's the 2nd person working for the government that mysteriously ended up missing in Roswell in just a few episodes ...Am I the only one who thinks it's weird there's no investigation going on?? I'd be VERY surprised if nobody comes looking for them 6. Yeah I was thinking that too... The FUCK. is a granolyth?!?! I've never heard of that word in my goddamn life ....Sounds like the thing you play old records on but I know that ain't it