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They brought back the virus from that one episode you hated. I like how they sometimes bring stuff back that seems one off at the time.


I really liked this 2 part episodes... but I think I just thought of a huge flaw in it's storyline! Anubis wanted to use the Ancient weapon to destroy all life in the universe. So the weapon had to be found and destroyed before he got to it. But Anubis knew what the weapon was and where it was due to his "ancient knowledge". He even alluded to it early on when he said he wasn't worried about the replicators. Sure, that could have simply been a goul'd boast, but I think it was more than that. Here's the flaw in the storyline. Anubis already had control of Dakara, through Bhal's fleet, which was really Anubis' fleet. He already had control


I enjoyed these two episodes however my biggest problem with this 2 parter is the fact that this Dakara planet is suppose to be the most holiest site to all Jaffa, where their slavery supposedly began, and yet we have never heard of it until now. There would have been much more hype over taking control of it if we had heard of this planet in the early seasons of the show. Obviously the writers didn't know what they were going to do in season 8 during season 1 of the show, however, they could have at least done what other shows usually do and that is mention something at the beginning of the season that comes back at the end of the season.


So with the slaughtering of the remaining System Lords at the hands of Replicator Carter, the capture of Dakara and Ba'al running away like a coward, it looks like the Jaffa might be the biggest winners of the day. Of course, there is still one more major threat that needs to be dealt with and I know you are gonna hate it but yes... it's Anubis. And it goes without saying that Anubis doesn't need Jaffa to maintain his power because of his superior super soldiers. Although I would like an explanation on how Anubis escaped that cold planet without using his powers. On a brighter note though, the Replicator controlled Goa'uld motherships are now under the control of the free Jaffa. Those ship's weapons and shields were upgraded by the replicators so that's another positive for the Jaffa.


So the planet of Dakara is the Jaffa's holiest site and also happens to be the home of an ancient super weapon, but its never seen or mentioned before..., hmm this sounds like the writing staff had help from their military advisors possibly Colonel Convenient and Major Plotpoint. Despite this I do like these episodes. It is a bit weird that SG-1 is split up for almost the whole time but they do awesome in each of their own areas, with Carter doing her tech stuff with the super weapon, Jack leading the defence of the SGC, Teal'c leading the free Jaffa fleet against the Goa'uld and my favourite scenes Daniel having a battle of minds with replicarter. The only real fault I have with this episode is when all the gates are being dialled and the SGC gate opens and Siler says ''incoming wormhole'' . God dam he stole Walters line.


--- > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < --- 1. Lord Yu (not Yang you doof) was the oldest of the System Lords... His mind was failing cause of how old he was ....While the Goa'uld can heal their host ...It's doubtful an old Goa'uld can sufficiently heal itself ...But you are right though ...For a "guy" with a failing mind.. He was surprisingly coherent in what little appearance he had in this episode 2. I feel like it was a bit TOO obvious that this wasn't our Carter but rather RepliCarter having been "captured" by the Goa'uld ....Amanda's demeanor came across more like she was playing RepliCarter ...You could see it in her face I think that this wasn't our Carter ....Either this was well acted or unintentional ...Given the slomo reveal a minute later I'm not sure what to think ...But to me it was obvious something was wrong 3. Jacob: "Each dot represents a Goa'uld ship" ......Me counting the dots on the screen ...Jacob: "That's just one small quadrant of the galaxy" ..He zooms out .......Ehm... Yeah I dunno if we were both seeing this shit Froots ....But there were waaaaaaaaay more than just 40 dots on that screen before he zoomed out ....If you remember ...On Atlantis they found out that there's probably like 40 (or more) something Wraith ships in the Pegasus galaxy ....It seems like the Goa'uld outnumber them by a lot ...Although by the end of this 2 part episode that problem is solved I guess 4. Froots... I loved your joke... Your dry humour still made me laugh... "The blinking light stopped blinking" ...Much better explanation as to what happened to the blinking lights going out than boring old ass Jacob saying the Lego Monsters probably destroyed those ships 5. I feel like it served the plot a bit too much for Carter and Teal'c to so easily come to the conclusion that Daniel got abducted cause he must have Ancient knowledge stuck in his head .....They should've at least put a scene in there in where they'd be seen wondering why they took Daniel and no one else 6. You're right in nitpicking Froots... It would have been nice if we had heard mention of this holy city before now... But yeah it feels like for plot convenience we only now hear of Dakara ...Before this it was just some girl on YouTube ....That and as we find out later on in the 2 parter it just so happens to ALSO. have the Ancient device used to seed life in the galaxy capable of also destroying all life hidden there 7. O'neill... This guy can be serious... Just chooses not to ..Most of the time ....A way of living I have adopted as my own ....And it's worked out pretty well so far I'd say so myself 8. True... We went from arriving at Dakara with 3 Ha'tak motherships to all of a sudden being on the surface having overcome the ground forces ....I feel like we should have seen some of this battle but it all just felt like the forces occupying Dakara immediately surrendered as soon as Teal'c and Bra'tac showed up ....A little underwhelming but ok 9. Ok I paused a shot of Teal'c talking to A'ron (Judge's brother) in front of the Escape Room door on Dakara ...There's some large Ancient writing on the wall above the rotating puzzle pieces ....And I was able to translate it ..."Here in creation sleeps" .....I was expecting some funny message but eh.. That's it 10. You're not wrong... The stakes in this 2 parter are as high as some of the season finales have been in the past ...The outcome of this 2 parter is we've dealt with the Lego Monsters ...We've basically put the Goa'uld in their place (aside from Anubis still being out there and Ba'al fleeing like a little bish) ....But the Jaffa are now free ...We're getting shit DONE. 11. The show writers just made up some shit about how if you turn the Ancient writing upside down it'll spell out something completely different ....Yeah... It spells out bullshit... Cause that's all it is... Bullshit.. Turning those letters upside down makes them absolute gibberish 12. Sooooo... For the observant eye... Froots.. Carter and Jacob just opened the Escape Room and found some sort of Ancient device inside ....A table of some sorts ...Which if you've paid attention... Looks exactly like the Ancient Workbench from the Stargate Worlds mod we used on ARK (the inferior stargate mod) 13. Also... You just suggested to mine through the door instead of doing the puzzle (cheater) ....What's to say the door isn't booby (hehe booby) trapped?? ...Something tells me the door to a device that could end all life would probably have some safety measures put in place to prevent someone from getting in in any way other than completing the puzzle to open it 14. Just FYI... Jacob mentioning Carter blew up a sun... Not the first time it's been mentioned.... Joe mentioned it as well in last week's episode ...You're right... Why are we all of a sudden bringing up this random thing Carter has done quite a long time ago? And why twice in a row? 15. UGH... It seems Felger's screw-up just saved the galaxy ...But nice call back though seeing that Ba'al still possesses the means to dial all gate at once thanks to that dumbass ...Continuity! 16. Something odd about what Ba'al said to Carter when he first showed up in the escape room ....He was surprised and disgusted that O'neill created the Anti-Lego Monster technology ...Yet he was already informed on this by O'neill himself in Part 1 ...I mean.. Ba'al legit cut off O'neill before he could finish bragging about it by saying he knew O'neill had assisted The Asgard with developing the weapon 17. O'neill said it was weird Siler already had him written in his will... Pot calling the kettle black... O'neill mentioned in Lost City that if he died ..Siler would get his Simpsons VHS collection 18. HOW. did Ba'al get away though? I mean.. Sure he beamed away... But where to?? His ship was surrounded by a fuckton of ships in control of the Free Jaffa ...You'd think the moment he'd go anywhere he'd be captured ...I'd like to have exactly seen HOW. Ba'al got away after beaming out ...But TV show gotta TV show and there wasn't enough time I suppose 19. Aaaaaaand Daniel is dead.... Again... Dude sure died a lot ...He will be missed? ...I dunno... Carter and O'neill seemed a bit unemotional ...Hopefully they at least put some effort into finding his body and giving him a proper sendoff