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Brandon Wiesner (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-22 05:26:53 It rubs me the wrong way that you have to go through so much to earn the right to bear the Iron Fist, only for it to be taken away so easily. Not to mention, Davos being able to take it like that. If that was the case, why in the long history of the character did it never happen before? I mean, I get it. You always have to have that typical superhero trope where they lose their power. You also know of course, he is likely going to gain it back and it will be super easy, barely an inconvenience. I don't mind so much that they are following that trope. I just wish it was done better than this stupid ritual where they exchange tattoos and draw blood.
2023-09-21 01:17:06 It rubs me the wrong way that you have to go through so much to earn the right to bear the Iron Fist, only for it to be taken away so easily. If that was the case, why in the long history of the character did it never happen before? I mean, I get it. You always have to have that typical superhero trope where they lose their power. You also know of course, he is likely going to gain it back and it will be super easy, barely an inconvenience. I don't mind so much that they are following that trope. I just wish it was done better than this stupid ritual where they exchange tattoos and draw blood.

It rubs me the wrong way that you have to go through so much to earn the right to bear the Iron Fist, only for it to be taken away so easily. If that was the case, why in the long history of the character did it never happen before? I mean, I get it. You always have to have that typical superhero trope where they lose their power. You also know of course, he is likely going to gain it back and it will be super easy, barely an inconvenience. I don't mind so much that they are following that trope. I just wish it was done better than this stupid ritual where they exchange tattoos and draw blood.

Patrick - Excelsior

So, Davos is an Iron Fist (question mark). That was the joke I was attempting (poorly) to make last week. The reason Davos’ tattoo is shaped like a question mark is that he’s a questionable Iron Fist. Yes, Davos’ Iron Fist(?) is red instead of yellow. That weird, is it because his was stollen power, or is it a different color for different Iron Fist. Or is it like light sabers. Since Davos is filled with dark feelings his fist color turned red. Davos is a Sith Fist. Misty in another episode, that’s kewl. Danny got left on the street like a guy who got his kidney stolen. Not a totally incorrect analogy. Wow, Davos’ mom is a bitch. Danny having a very bad couple of days here. Drugged, beat up by Mary, had his IF stolen, abducted by kids, beat up some more by kids, and chained to a floor and kept like a slave by kids until his girlfriend comes to rescue him. The conversation between Ward and Danny is very touching. I also like what they’ve done with Ward this season. Yes, definitely this season, at least so far, is WAY better than season 1. I liked Luke Cage, but I also agree that this season of Iron Fist is better than both LC seasons.

Patrick - Excelsior

Well they did need the thousands of years old magic bowl, The sisters that did the tattooing seemed to be special and they needed to find the body of a dead Iron Fist. I can't imagine there are a lot of them outside K'un-Lun. Not to mention overpowering the present Iron Fist. So not too easy. But you are right about it being a common trope.