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Dr. Rodney McKay : "Oh my god, he is Kirk!" This makes me laugh every single time. It's funny cos it's true!


Damn I was in the process of making a joke about Shepherd Kirking her, and luckily I left the video playing and heard as Rodney destroyed my thunder.

Retro Tom

When I 1st watched this I assumed something the Ancients set up was protecting the planet. I never expected it to be an ascended Ancient as I had assumed they didn't start ascending till after they abandoned Atlantis to go back to Earth. This episode confirms that they did start ascending before the city was abandoned & there are more just floating around the Pegasus Galaxy


Yeahhh.. I was worried the "Previously on Stargate Atlantis" was going to spoil it. Usually on SG-1 if they think some bit of information might undermine the plot of the episode they will usually not include it in the "previously" My guess is that they decided to include it here for the people that might only be watching Stargate Atlantis and have never watched SG-1. And based on a couple of the comments I've seen on your reaction videos, there does appear to be people who have either only watched Atlantis or watched Atlantis first before SG-1. To be honest, these people were probably still a little confused when they watched the episode and I can see them not fully appreciating our encounter with an actual Ancient let alone an ascended Ancient given that they never watched SG-1 before and so are operating on such limited information. At least they now know about one of the most important rules of being an ascended being. Something SG-1 is very familiar with. Just ask Daniel.


FOR SHANNAN: 1. Nope.. For some reason they didn't bring any Duck Guns to the Pegasus galaxy ...Odd choice ...BUT... We've seen Wraith Stunners ...They should just be using those whenever they need to take someone down without lethal force 2. Yeah naw Froots... I've seen some old footage of nuclear bomb testing ...People were always told to NOT. look at the blast or wear some really fucking THICK sunglasses (not the commercial kind) ...Cause if you don't you could go blind / have your eyes burn out your skull ....Those windows on the Jumper are high tech for Sheppard not to have gone blind 3. So with 1x13 we were talking about a meh episode .....THIS one however (1x14) ...I've re-watched this episode a BUNCH. of times more than many of the other Season 1 episodes ...It's definitely one of my favourites of the season ....But ...I mean... If you know me... You know why ....Althought technically ...It's the last 5-ish minutes of this episode that stands out the most to me 4. There's a sliiiiiight bit of a reflection on the gate behind you sometimes.. 1x12 for instance you could see 20% of the episode reflected on the gate ...I suppose it's just cause you move it around a lot cause it doesn't always need to be there if you're not recording Gateverse ....So yeah sometimes it shows.. Sometimes it's barely noticable ...But it's not distracting or anything ..It's fine ...It actually would look kinda cool though if there was an "open gate" behind you during the recording ...Am I going extra with the edits?? ...Nah I already do that with the animated NOPIP.. I'm good 5. Hmmmmm... Perhaps I should have edited out the "Previous Leon" for 1x14 ...I guess we'll see how long it took you to figure out Chaya was also Athar a.k.a. an Ancient 6. This episode though ...We've got another case where an Ancient says they're not allowed to interfere with the problems of lower beings (us) .....Do they just not give a shit about us??? Did we piss in their cereal or something??? The FUCK?! 7. Man... Sheppard really drew the short end having to go through all the trouble of sufferening through a picnic with a beautiful ascended woman ....I really feel so bad for him ...If only I could offer to switch places with him ...Y'know ...Cause it must be so difficult for him sometimes ...And.... I'm a good guy.. Like... Ofcourse I'd help out ..I'd bear it so he wouldn't have to ......Is anyone believing any of this???? ....No?? ...Aight. 8. McKay DOES have a point though... Sheppard seems to be VERY interested in Chaya ...I'm sure she's not doing anything to him ...But Sheppard by all intent should be a bit more cautious being the military commander on Atlantis 9. Well that's not fair ...Chaya has the ability to dial a gate even faster than we could on ARK.. RUDE. 10. Y'know what NEVER. occured to me before now though ...Since we're fresh off me showing off the beta for the new Stargate mod that had the Orlin gate in it ...Remember Orlin? ...The creepy stalker Ancient who was following Carter around ...He at one point during that episode did the whole "sharing" thing with Carter much like Chaya was doing here with Sheppard at the end of this episode ...I can't believe it took me THIS. long to make that connection that we've seen "sharing" before ....Although there's gotta be a better word for it ..."Sharing" sounds kinda lame