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You had the sound so low on the volume for the show that I had to crank it to hear it and then you blast me with a kazoo. Luckily i have a spare eardrum. Only 15 minutes in and I've already written two non-Germaine messages. I'm off to plot my revenge....


You can't relate to being seconds away from World War 3 ? Well maybe being in Australia isolates you from the hell that's building now . But beyond that I thought this episode was an excellent example of the world building that they do so well in this show. they took a bunch of independent plot points and put them together into a whole new exciting direction. I'd go into it in more details but words are not coming to me today. I've always liked this episode and I can't say more without Tony yelling at me.


This is one of the few shows to get the DefCon count right. Usually when a movie or show involved DefCon levels, they count up for severity instead of down. I guess higher sounds worse to most people. Probably because of that Air Force advisor they had with them.


I usually love these "earth-centric" episodes... but while I don't hate this one, it does nothing for me. So I agree with you on this one Shan! This is usually one of the rare episodes that I usually fast-forward through while on re-watch!

Retro Tom

I had a good smile when you sang the theme & pulled out the mic. Sometimes the simple things bring you joy. As for the episode, I kind of like the political episodes. When this aired though I think I felt similar to you where I'm like ok, things just happened but it has no impact on me. On further rewatches though it has grown on me more. On a side note, this is the 2nd time in a short amount of time someone escaped off Prometheus by using the rings, you'd think they'd change the codes, add a command lock out, or if they can't reprogram the ring controls, just lock the damn door


I'm the opposite, I usually hate the episodes that take place on Earth. Just always feels like a different show completely


Where do I sign up for Goa'uld glaucoma therapy? If they can regenerate dead optic nerves in the eye and cure blindness... just saying... maybe we should hear them out 😆


FOR SHANNAN: 1. I feel like if Kinsey says "The fate of the planet depends on it" ...I STILL wouldn't listen ...I'm surprised Jack did listen ...Buuuuutttt then we wouldn't have this boring episode 2. You're very right Froots ....I understand Jack has pictures of Charlie in his house ...But the fact he also has a picture of him, Charlie AND his ex-wife .....Really weird ....Also ...Do pictures count as a starring role or whatever?? Do the actors get paid by merely having their picture shown? .....I mean.. You can't do this for EVERYONE'S picture obviously... Imagine having a poster of some famous person in your shitty episode and then having to pay to use their face ...But these are somewhat established characters on this show ...I dunno.. Just wondering ...Moving on 3. Yeah I'm not sure the word "red" works as a way to signal for help ...While perhaps you might not be saying "red" often in a conversation ...The past tense word for "read" kinda sounds similar ...I feel that it MIGHT come up more often then we might think ....They should've gone with something less used ...Like the name of Kinsey's dog "Oscar" (I think that was his name... and holy shit if that's correct I'm so ashamed for knowing that) 4. The left behind smoking cigar was a bit much... If these guys beamed out of there why did one of them leave their barely touched cigar behind ...I mean sure he COULD have forgotten it ....But I dunno ...Feels a bit toooooo.. Tropey?? ...Like ooooh the bad guy got away in a hurry and we can tell cause of this smoking cigar 5. O'neill: "The Pentagon has been apprised of the situation.. They're launching Prometheus in 4 hours" .....First of all... 4 hours??! Why not immediately?? They got other shit to do?? ...But more importantly ...Why do we need to launch Prometheus every time?? I feel we're tempting fate here with having Prometheus in a hangar ON Earth ...SUUURELY someone COULD see the launch??? ..Why not have it ready in orbit?? ...And if the answer is "Well they need supplies and repairs and stuff" ....Build a fucking spacestation! If we can build a 20+ something story high spaceship.. We can build a damn spacestation to put it in ...Put it on the far-side of the moon or something so nobody can see it from Earth 6. Oh ok I didn't even need to add subtitles there.. Daniel just got dissed for his horrible Russian pronunciation and the show added subtitles for me.. Noice ...I guess I've been replaced.. Time to start thinking about retirement I guess 7. Same... The fact this woman was speaking with a thick Russian accent combined with the noise of the jeep she and Daniel were driving in... I also was barely able to understand what she was saying ....But basically she was just giving some background information on the guy Daniel was going to meet so it's not that important 8. Chekov: "The information coming out of Moscow is guarded at best.. But my sources in the Kremlin are telling me the Russian military is increasing it's alert status because they think the American administration has been comprimised" ........That whole sentence there doesn't make any damn sense Colonel ....You... Are PART. of the Russian military! ..."My sources in the Kremlin"???? ...What do you mean your sources?!!? ...You mean your colleagues?! ..."Information coming out of Moscow is guarded at best"?!?!? ....Again... You're a fucking Colonel in the Russian military!! ...Do you guys not all work for the same country!? .....Honestly they wrote this scene like Chekov ISN'T working for the Russian military but instead is just an American who for some reason has a thick Russian accent and he's assigned to handle communication between America and Russia 9. While I don't remember Teal'c being around Kinsey this episode ...Carter however was ...So IF Kinsey was a Goa'uld this entire episode.. They apparently dropped the whole "person who's once been taken over can sense a Goa'uld" thing ,..I'm sure fans will try to fansplain it away though ...But if he was a Goa'uld the entire time then it is what it is ...A plothole 10. I don't see why O'neill was so against having everyone be tested ....Like... If you have nothing to hide.. Then just go along with having some blood drawn and show that you CAN be trusted ....By saying "Not gonna happen" you're only making yourself look more suspicious 11. What the hell is the structure of the Russian military!?!? This General Kisalev dude can just do whatever the fuck he wants without having to be authorised by the Russian president??? .....I feel like that's all kindsa fucked up ....How disorganised it Russia according to this show?? 12. Eeeehm... I feel like that handheld device Daniel used to have himself and "Kinsey" be transported up to Prometheus was a bit too large and noticable to make it past a security check but ok (I guess they didn't check his butthole) ...And "Kinsey" is right... Since he just noped out of there with a Goa'uld.. It only makes the Americans look even more suspicious ..I'm surprised the Russians believed ANYTHING the Americans said after that 13. Ok another odd writing choice here... We KNEW that there was a cloaked Al'kesh somewhere in orbit around Earth and so we sent Prometheus up ....And here we have Prometheus getting hit with weapons fire from the Al'kesh ...And THEN Prometheus puts their shields up ......Bish ...If this were me ...I'd already been had my shields up... In fact I'd have them up twice ...You think I'd just sit there waiting for a surprise attack!?! These people STUPID.! 14. That was funny ...Carter shows O'neill a picture of General Kisalev's right-hand man ....The picture is CLEARLY a mugshot of the actor ...No fucking way a Russian military guy would pose in a picture like he's trynna be America's Next Top Model 15. Yip... I VERY MUCH agree that this was a boring episode... Luckily sometimes the Atlantis episode following (or SG-1 episode if it's a double SG-1 week or Atlantis doubler for the same reason) can be the better one that week ...In this instance ...The Atlantis episode (1x14) is one of my favourites out of Season 1 and I can't even remember having seen 8x14.. That's how boring I think this episode was ...Oh well... Can't all be winners ...Hopefully the next one will be a home run episode ..Fingers crossed