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Maybourne is back! He used to be just a generic sinister government agent, but ever since they started paring him with Jack, magic has happened. It's good to have that pair of them back again. A sort of crossover with Atlantis in the form of a modified Puddle Jumper.


I love a good Maybourne story and I love time travel. And this teased me with both. A weirdly written Maybourne and no actual time travel. I don't know if I loved it or was left hanging.

Retro Tom

The fact that their is a puddle jumper in The Milky Way makes me wonder what would SG-1 have been like had they stumbled on to one early on. The fact that it was just sitting in the woods, even though it was burred under branches for at least a few hundred years after the historical chronical was carved means there always could've been a possibility that SG-1 could've ran into one long before they even knew of The Ancients My guess though is the time traveler saw the part the jumper played in events & had to hide it so SG-1 could find it in a few centuries, but specifically after Aries had originally left that planet so he or his Jaffa never found it. While never mentioned in the show there was always the possibility that the time traveler was actually there in the past version of the jumper watching the events happen while remaining cloaked.


Oh yeah it would be kind of cool if the ancient was there the entire time just cloaked and observing.

infamous hvher

Not really lucky, the drones that fire from the puddlejumper is the same drones that get's fired from the antarctica post. So they are really powerful and can destroy motherships easily as it bypasses their shields


Maybourne episodes are always elite tier. I will die on that hill


Sam wasn't doubting that time travel was possible. She was doubting that the Ancients built a time machine as it's been established by the show already that the Ancients couldn't do it. Remember that groundhog day episode back in season 4? While that was a fun episode, it did still contribute to the overall lore of the show by helping us understand more about the history of the Ancients. Once Daniel had finished translating the Ancient text we learnt that the Ancients were suffering from an unknown mysterious plague. As a result they began experimenting with time travel technology. Ultimately they failed and decided to abandon the project. They could never get it to work. Hence the "time-loop machine" in that episode. However, this current episode seems to suggest that the Ancients eventually succeed in creating a time-machine at some point later on.


FOR SHANNAN: 1. Your reply to one of the comments: "I mean sometimes you just don't have chemistry with your real life partner" ...For a moment I was like ...What!? Why would anyone be with someone if they don't have chemistry ...Then I realised you were talking "on-screen chemistry" ....Yeah I suppose that does happen 2. You: "How sad is it that I had really nice cute curls yesterday and this is what I have today... This is what I get for sleeping on my hair" .....First of all... YEAH... RUDE! Curlies are CUTE. ..But also.. How could you NOT. sleep on your hair? Unless you'd be wearing a wig I suppose it wouldn't be doable 3. If you haven't already.. We can turn those subtitles off permanently ...The only problem I see with doing so would be My Hero Academia where sometimes having subtitles is helpful 4. I'm totally keeping those dance moves in the edit... That was A-DORK-ABLE! (Spoiler alert: I did keep it in with added Roadrunner text saying "Adorkus Magnificus") 5. It's really convenient that with the start of Atlantis... SG-1 stumbles on a modified Puddle Jumper ...I feel like production COULD have done a better effort to distinguish this ship from a Jumper ....Buuuuutttt... I suppose it was done to save on costs production wise... But perhaps more important also to indicate that the gateverse is more connected ....I don't mind seeing a jumper show up ...I'm glad however nobody called it a Puddle Jumper ..THAT. would have been weird ..Since Sheppard came up with that name initially 6. O'neill: "Nice ride" ...Daniel: "Yeah Ancients like to fly in style" ...Me: "You should see their city" 7. So O'neill is having a bit of trouble starting the Jumper ....From this we can safely say he's less of a natural at using Ancient technology than Sheppard I suppose 8. You asked why Maybourne was called "Archon" ....Even though it's not explained in the episode ...The word "archon" can be found in ancient Greek... It means "ruler" ....With a verse like Stargate which often takes examples out of history and makes it it's own... I suppose the writer used the ancient Greek word for ruler as a name for the king of this world 9. Why were we planning to avoid the Goa'uld instead of fighting them? ...Resources most likely ...It would have taken MORE. time to assemble enough resources to fight the Goa'uld that came to Maybourne's world than to take the inhabitants and move them to a safe location 10. Not sure why Daniel assumed that if those Jaffa found the Ancient writing that they'd ALSO go and try to find the Puddle Jumper ....I think we've established by now that the remaining Jaffa who still follow the Goa'uld aren't all that bright 11. I very much doubt Jaffa Dude was able to read the Ancient writing... Dude was just trynna look cool ...He probably had seen stones with Ancient writing before though ....But no worries... I highly doubt EVERYONE can read Ancient 12. Kinda weird yeah that they were able to hear O'neills weapon being fired in the village ...Maybourne said it was a long walk to the obelisks with Ancient writing on them.. One can assume the Puddle Jumper was much closer to the obelisks than the village ....But I suppose for drama sake sound travels far cause it DID sound much closer than we were previous led to believe 13. I suppose you ARE right yeah... Maybourne was a colonel before he got booted ...You'd think he'd have had proper training in how to fight ....Perhaps you could say he's just out of practice but still ...He came off like a wuss fighting Barney's brother ....Then again... Barney's brother threw sand in Teal'cs eyes ...The FUCK kinda little bish tactic is that?! 14. Good point Froots... I guess Barney's Brother's knife was made to be EXTRA sharp since he was wearing armor and it appeared to go right through it 15. I think it's not that far fetched to believe a Jumper could take out that mothership ...As we already know (from 7x22) shields are of no use against Ancient drones and while we DID see the drone impact the mothership.. I think it'd be safe to assume that it would still be kinda moving around INSIDE the mothership before ACTUALLY being destroyed ...I mean sure.. Lucky that it hit a vital system I suppose ...But just cause it hit the side of the mothership with an explosion in my opinion doesn't mean it couldn't still be doing damage inside ......Reality though ...We had 2 minutes of episode left 16. And yeah... Barney's Brother said Ares had arrived ....Given that they just blew up his ship ....It's a safe bet that Ares is dead ....Another System Lord taken out of the mix


King Arkhan? I know no king but the king in the north whose name is Stark..... but still a better choice than Bran