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Plague, virus and pandemic episodes have always been some of my favorite episodes in shows for a long time. I dont know why i just love them.

Retro Tom

I like this one, but not to to the point of making any top 10 lists. I do agree with Weir that Sheppard while having good intentions & saving lives in the end could have potentially risked more lives. Maybe after they figured it out that it was nano bots he could've been justified in breaking quarantine, but for all he knew it could've been a mutation of the plague that wiped out the ancients or something far worse


FOR SHANNAN. 1. I suppose the contribution of adding the fed upon Wraith to the story was to indicate that this singular Wraith who was still left stand was the only survivor left in the crash... And that way Sheppard and McKay only had to deal with ONE. Wraith who had recently fed and not a bunch of them... Which made this one Wraith perhaps seem a bit more intimidating to the audience ...That's my take on it .......And I mean sure ...We could've had Sheppard go up against a bunch of Wraith ...But we'd kiiiiiinda be rehashing 1x11 or 1x12 where he bodied a bunch of Genii ....It's like we get it ....He's a badass 2. I feel like given that Sheppard is the ranking military officer on Atlantis ...His request to Weir for someone to bring him a hazmat suit would carry a bit more weight... Weir's dismissal of the request seemed kinda odd to me ...But I suppoooooose Sheppard could just order security on Atlantis from the room he's in seeing as he does have a radio ...But I dunno... Seemed odd 3. Ok why the hell was there no security detail guarding the door to the lab?? Guys... CLEARLY we had one of the scientists (Petersen) being a flight risk.. I feel like this SHOULDN'T have happened.. Why was Petersen outside the lab on his own?? ....Have we learned NOTHING. from the early days at the SGC? 4. And for that matter ....Who the hell hears "We've got a possible virus on the loose that's already killed 2 of our people" ...Then sees another person die IN the lab... And be like.. Y'know what... This is the perfect time to sneak the fuck outta here and.. Oh I dunno... POTENTIALLY KILL EVERYONE!!!! .......Fucking dumbass 5. You're right... That door closed much too slow ...Sheppard could've EASILY jumped through before it closed 6. The fact that Bates got ordered to open the door and hesitated as Weir told him to stand down makes him a bad soldier in my opinion ...Weir is a civilian.. Sure she's in command of Atlantis but if Sheppard (his commanding officer) gives him a command ..He's supposed to follow orders ....A proper soldier would've pushed Weir aside and let Sheppard out regardless whether or not she's in command ...Sheppard ...Military wise.. Outranks her when it comes to orders 7. Continuing on that note though... The fact that in the end Bates DID go against Weir's orders and opened the door shows that when it REALLY comes to it... Weir doesn't have much to say ...Or at least is not in control of the military attachment of the Atlantis Expedition ....Which could create conflict in what SHOULD be a team that is supposed to work together given this is probably one of the most important endeavors in Tau'ri history 8. I suppose the first people that died were already seeing shit well before they died (weirdly written) ...The person who died in the lab maybe kept quiet that she was seeing shit (again weirdly written) ....McKay was shown to have been seeing shit .....What it really comes down to is that the episode was just ...Say it with me ...Weirdly written 9. I feel like Atlantis needs some Duck Guns ...They could use some to stun paranoid people like Petersen and drag their asses back to the lab for quarantine 10. I think the concept of the city being able to detect threats and putting itself in lock down is pretty fucking cool ..Cause it shows the Atlantis Expedition doesn't really know all that much about the place they're staying in.. It's far more advanced than anything we've come across and there's so much left unexplored... HOWEVER... It SHOULD have detected the virus MUCH earlier ....Buuuuuttttt I suppose flooding having affected the city's sensors is a good explanation for why it took this long ...I'll let this one slide ...Self-scanning city that looks after itself though?? Cool as fuck ....And I dunno... I REALLY like the sound of the alert for some reason 11. The people in the mess hall only started seeing shit ...Ford and them were gonna die the next time they saw anything ...There's a bit of a difference ...Although I'm pretty sure we didn't see that Ford actually saw shit ......Soooooooo ....What is this episode??? Weirdly written??? Oh ok.. Check 12. Nice to know an Ancient Puddle Jumper built millions of years ago comes with a little compartment that's the perfect size to hold / eject a Tau'ri built naquadah generator or that Sheppard managed to duct-tape it to the underside of the Jumper before flying it into space ...Very convenient 13. Sheppard! You psycho! You're not supposed to look directly at a nuclear blast! ...Man.. The Jumper must come with some sort of high tech light absorbing windows or whatever ...Dude should have been blind 14. So if The Wraith didn't create the virus ...And The Ancients didn't either ....Do we have another problem to deal with? I feel like we kinda have our hands full already ...Can we call whoever did this and maybe tell them to chill? 15. Yeah episode was kinda meh... And quite honestly even though I've seen this show a bunch of times it all felt kinda new to me ...I guess there's still episodes in here that I don't remember having seen ...Which makes meh episodes kiiiiiinda fun in a way I guess