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Patrick - Excelsior

Sorry, I’ve been busy and didn’t get a chance to watch 2x1 in time for you to read before 2x2. 2x1 Now that’s a good start to the season. A well done fight scene with multiple uses of the Iron Fist. Oh, yeah. It’s Danny friend from K’un Lun. He’s fighting more dudes with hatchets. WTH, are these things on sale? OK, would have preferred to have season 2 with Joy or Ward, but well… Hmm, the red head girl is acting a bit weird. Has she never heard of water conservation? Narcotic Anonymous sponsors are not allowed to have sexual relationships with other NA members. Its in the rules. I was thinking same thing when Joy said her life was turned to ashes. Nothing for her changed. Why is he under a subway punching a door? Is he practicing his Iron Fist or venting? Now on to 2x2 I not a fan of breaking up the flashbacks with finishing a complete scene. Its ok to break it up if each flashback shows something different in the past, even if it’s the same 2 people. But cutting out repeated mid punch is jarring. The joke the woman said playing cards when they asked about the Tigers, she said “What’s that, a breakfast cereal?” had me laughing. One, the first thing that came to mind is “They'rrrrre Great!”. 🐯 Two the second thing is that Daavos is trying to buy a bowl. A cereal bowl? 🥣😆 It appears that the reason Davos thinks he didn’t lose the fight is he never yielded. I’m guessing that the guy stopped the fight because he knew Davos wouldn’t yield and he didn’t want him to die. But Davos was definitely beaten at that point. He couldn’t even get up or respond when they announced Danny won. Not sure why Joy had to use Davos for the blackmail scheme against the Senator’s wife. Any guy would do and it was obvious that Davos didn’t want to do this. Just hire a gigolo. The finger touch kill thing is a standard Kung-Fu movie trope. Silly but common. They even used it in Serenity except there it just paralyzed.