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Ah, the Peter Pan episode. One thing I did like about it is finally hearing one of the stories that Wesen tell their kids about Grimms. We heard them mentioned plenty of times and seen how terrified the stories make them, but never actually heard one until now.


Im not gonna lie, im starting to ship Nick and Adaline, they do have alot of chemistry. What do you think? I enjoyed this episode, the peter pan stuff was fun but i liked how they dragged Rosalee and Monroe into the story and i also love everything with Adaline and Nick with them moving etc. Also Trubel at the end!!!


I think shipping a rapist with her victim is in poor taste, even in fiction. Because that's what she is, a rapist.

Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah, you nailed this one quick, definitely a Peter Pan storyline. If they are going to do a Monster of the Week, I do like it when they go back to doing the different fairy tale storylines. It was very on the nose, but I like that. It makes it fun. Just some of the references include the names: Big John (John Darling), Miguel (Michael Darling), Lily (Tiger Lily), Warden Hooke (Captain Hook). You already mentioned Peter and Wendy. It was nice to see a somewhat Rosalee centric episode. Misner in Portland, that’s unusual. He’s been getting around a lot. So Victor (Wesley) is king now. Would be nice to see him again. Big change from the Nick’s last house to this one. From a two story Victorian house in the suburbs to an amor plated studio apartment in the city. This looks more like the Grimm cave. lol I find it hard to be too empathetic to the kids. They killed one woman for sure. They may have not done it directly, but their actions resulted in her death. They destroyed not only the woman and her husbands lives but other loved ones of hers as well. They mentioned other mothers. And since they were never turned in, I have to assume they died too. Maybe in the lethal traps they set, or they could have even killed them directly for being “bad mothers”. So evidently the warden one of the claw mark people that killed the FBI woman since he also said the line “Occul Tatum Libera”. Looks like they are using vesen kids in the foster system to recruit members. I like seeing Trubel again but I don’t like seeing her face all beaten up. I hope that wasn’t her they were torturing in the metal room. If it was, I’m no longer going to like Misner.

Andrew Polinski

I really like Nicks new place, I just like the industrial styling, of course it would be more for a bachelors pad.


Not sorry, I am loving Nick & Adalind! I love their chemistry, their awkwardness, the two obviously needing each other, but their history causing them to pull away from each other. It's amazing to see how far these two have come from their original meet-cute in the pilot to their current relationship. There is a wonderful push and pull between the two, and I am excited to see more! Also those bringing up Spuffy... Just no. Neither accusations of falling in love with their victimizers is accurate. Spike when he attacked Buffy was a vampire that had no soul. He only knew obsessiveness and possession not love. By his very nature, he could not understand the empathy and sympathy necessary to feel true love. This is why he relied on violence and domination. When he realized he could never be able to feel that love, Spike subjected himself to hellish trials to become someone and something else entirely and regained his soul, his William. Now being both Vampire Spike and "effulgent" love-sick poet William, souled spike was lost in a hell of guilt and torment, a hell he inhabited willingly just for the chance to someday be worthy of Buffy's love. The Spike Buffy fell in love with was someone entirely different from the Spike that hurt her, a Spike that would do anything for the woman that he loved and one who would never hurt her. That is why so many of us love Spuffy and love Spike. Adalind is kind of like Spike in a way. She willingly gave up her Hexenbiest, a part of her she went through hell to regain. She did this to become someone different, someone who would never hurt her son. And through her conversation with Rosalee, she does not want this essential part of herself to return because she never wants to be a woman that would ever hurt Nick like that again. Adalind did what she did to save her daughter. Most parents would do worse, even kill to protect or save their children. Rape is usually an act of sexual power, possession, and violence against another. That act was more the royals putting a gun to Adalind's head and giving her a false choice. And yet, she still strives to be someone who would never hurt Nick again. I say, we wait and see what kind of person Adalind can become, much like our beloved Spike. So yeah, Peter Pan or whatever. Rosalee really carried this episode. She has such an endless love for others that she still tried to save the very children that tried to kidnap her and even kill her. Wow. Rosalee, you are amazing, And the look of pain and disappointment on her face as she tried to comfort the children in the end and only getting back their hatred. I felt so much for her. This show would not be anywhere as good without her. Also, the message of our lost boys ending up in the system and falling into the hands of a Captain hook at the end, pretty heavy-handed commentary. Trubel! Where have you been?!? Trubel is back! automatic 10/10 episode! Let's go episode 4!