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Im so glad you liked this! Luckily it does have an ending so it being left on cliffhangers is not a worry. Its also relatively short with only 47 episodes but its so good. I hope this show gets added to a poll of some sort to be reacted to as a full series. This show is very underrated, not many people know about it which sucks because its a genuinely well made and good show. The creators had a 4-5 season plan from the start and they were actually able to complete the story they wanted to without being canceled.

Retro Tom

I love this show. When I read it was happening I scoffed because usually TV show remakes of movies turn out like crap but I saw the day after the pilot aired it was offered for free on XBOX video so i watched it on my 360 & thoroughly enjoyed it & became so much of a fan I would buy the episodes on VOD to watch them the day after when cut cable TV in 2014 & lost access to Syfy


I never would have suggested this for you under the "Shan doesn't like too many pieces" rule. But you, you beautiful babe, enjoyed it. I loved this show, and I'm content to sit and watch your mental wheels turn as you follow along. Hope we get some future episodes out of your arcane system.


I agree its a wild ride but its so worth it once you watch it.


I was thinking, maybe this show could replace one of the arrowverse slots?


You seemed to really enjoy the first episode. Honestly this show (at least for me) is one of those rare shows that with each season gets better imo. It’s a mind bender and it would be fun to watch u react to the rest of the show and see u put pieces together and theorize. Some episodes are masterpieces imo. Just super consistent storytelling. And for a time traveling show that’s saying a lot


Stargate, Person of Interest and now this epic show. You are just a gem among reactors! And as mentioned in other comments this show just gets better and better with each season. P. S.: sorry for my broken English