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Andrew Polinski

I didn't mind the MoTW always knew it was the daughter from the get go, mainly because of the actress, she is very much a bit actor "A bit of this a bit of that" and is usually either the protagonist or the victim. The father and son were too obvious. In terms of ratio of story/MoTW this was closer to 50/50 compared to most other weeks. Next week will probably be around 50/50 again because we are getting close to the finale. Yeah in hindsight Nick probably should have moved the caravan, I remember the first time I watched this I totally didn't think she would go this far until it happened. I'm not really a fan of the actor playing Kenneth, I think they needed someone who was more charismatic but could then switch to being very intimidating.

Patrick - Excelsior

Juliette getting darker and darker. Wow, the Lowen have heard of Monroe. But in a good way or bad. Is he the Blubad with self-control or the traitor Vesen helping a Grimm? Shan now considering becoming a Hexenbiest. She can squish bugs without having to go near them. Evidently some time has passed if Adalind is showing that much. I feel the MoW here was a little better than the previous few. I thought the story and message was more interesting. Plus it gave Monroe some highlights, I love when Monroe gets a chance to shine. Well Juliette just pissed me off. Burning the trailer. All that information, weapons and potions…gone. Even the stuff Nick got from the other Grimm, gone. Even the keys, gone. How are we going to resolve that storyline that has been around since the beginning.

The Mad Titan

If you go back and watch. He gave the keys to Rosalie abd Monroe. When he got the last one from the other Grimms cane, he asked Rosalie to go get the other one so they could compare the maps. I'd imagine she would still have them both put away for safe keeping. I do agree with you though. Juliette pissed me off. I know she's mad at Nick but that does more than hurt Nick. Thay can save innocent people. All the rare ingredients on there like Siegbards gift, or that stuff you had to put on a newly pierced ear in order to survive a shock from that electric eel wesen, not yo mention all the information on the books. That hurts everyone else as much as Nick. She was just being vindictive and stupid, like it was all his fault.


This isnt Juliette, this is the Hexenbiest. Shes clearly not herself and its obvious its the Hexenbiest that is turning her evil.

James (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-08 01:10:18 I do love shows that have "Monster of the week" or whatever its called for that show. I just think they should pace them in the season alot better. Know when and when not to have these weekly episodes. I dont like when shows overdo the monster of the week format or when they dont do one at all. There needs to be a good balance to really build out a universe and show. Ive said this alot but Thats why i love older shows because they have alot of "Of the week" episodes that really give us interesting character dynamics, we learn more about the characters, they give us alot more opportunities to add to the lore and make it feel bigger, they can be very creative and have fun, they can experiment with the formula and do new things (sometimes they work and sometimes they dont but at least they try). Theres just so many reasons that monster of the week episodes are important in the long run. What about you? Do you hate standalone "Of the week" episodes or do like them when they pace them right? I notice you get annoyed alot when you realize its MOTW and thats ok, just want to know your thoughts. For me i can still enjoy a show if it doesnt have any standalone episodes and is shorter (6-13) but i never will feel as attached to it as i will with older shows that have many seasons of 22 episodes. Just think of supernatural, would it be as beloved today if it only had 12 episodes of nothing but story? I honestly dont think so. I miss shows having what people call "filler" episodes. Sometimes i just want to have fun with the characters. Most shows lose the fun charm and it feels more corporate if that makes sense. I dont feel the passion and love anymore like i do with older shows. Am i alone in thinking this? The monster of the week this episode wasnt really the focus like it was the last few episodes. I definitely felt the main story being prominent and the main focus. Alot of stuff happened. I really enjoyed this episode.
2023-07-07 21:54:58 I do love shows that have "Monster of the week" or whatever its called for that show. I just think they should pace them in the season alot better. Know when and when not to have these weekly episodes. I dont like when shows overdo the monster of the week format or when they dont do one at all. There needs to be a good balance to really build out a universe and show. Ive said this alot but Thats why i love older shows because they have alot of "Of the week" episodes that really give us interesting character dynamics, we learn more about the characters, they give us alot more opportunities to add to the lore and make it feel bigger, they can be very creative and have fun, they can experiment with the formula and do new things (sometimes they work and sometimes they dont but at least they try). Theres just so many reasons that monster of the week episodes are important in the long run. What about you? Do you hate standalone "Of the week" episodes or do like them when they pace them right? I notice you get annoyed alot when you realize its MOTW and thats ok, just want to know your thoughts. For me i can still enjoy a show if it doesnt have any standalone episodes and is shorter (6-13) but i never will feel as attached to it as i will with older shows that have many seasons of 22 episodes. Just think of supernatural, would it be as beloved today if it only had 12 episodes of nothing but story? I honestly dont think so. I miss shows having what people call "filler" episodes. Sometimes i just want to have fun with the characters. Most shows lose the fun charm and it feels more corporate if that makes sense. I dont feel the passion and love anymore like i do with older shows. Am i alone in thinking this? The monster of the week this episode wasnt really the focus like it was the last few episodes. I definitely felt the main story being prominent and the main focus. Alot of stuff happened. I really enjoyed this episode. Plus i like when monroe is part of a MOTW story. Makes it much better.

I do love shows that have "Monster of the week" or whatever its called for that show. I just think they should pace them in the season alot better. Know when and when not to have these weekly episodes. I dont like when shows overdo the monster of the week format or when they dont do one at all. There needs to be a good balance to really build out a universe and show. Ive said this alot but Thats why i love older shows because they have alot of "Of the week" episodes that really give us interesting character dynamics, we learn more about the characters, they give us alot more opportunities to add to the lore and make it feel bigger, they can be very creative and have fun, they can experiment with the formula and do new things (sometimes they work and sometimes they dont but at least they try). Theres just so many reasons that monster of the week episodes are important in the long run. What about you? Do you hate standalone "Of the week" episodes or do like them when they pace them right? I notice you get annoyed alot when you realize its MOTW and thats ok, just want to know your thoughts. For me i can still enjoy a show if it doesnt have any standalone episodes and is shorter (6-13) but i never will feel as attached to it as i will with older shows that have many seasons of 22 episodes. Just think of supernatural, would it be as beloved today if it only had 12 episodes of nothing but story? I honestly dont think so. I miss shows having what people call "filler" episodes. Sometimes i just want to have fun with the characters. Most shows lose the fun charm and it feels more corporate if that makes sense. I dont feel the passion and love anymore like i do with older shows. Am i alone in thinking this? The monster of the week this episode wasnt really the focus like it was the last few episodes. I definitely felt the main story being prominent and the main focus. Alot of stuff happened. I really enjoyed this episode. Plus i like when monroe is part of a MOTW story. Makes it much better.


Ok. I LOVED this episode. Ok. I loved PARTS of this episode. I loved everything to do with Nick, Adalind, and Juliet. Everything else was kind of meh and dragged on. Anyway, I really loved the Kenneth betrayal of Adalind scene. If you notice, Kenneth uses the same phrase to describe Juliet's future betrayal while explaining to Adalind that he is currently betraying her,"Amazing how easy betrayal becomes a viable option..." yada yada. It's really nice. And then Adaliind has to leave the one place she kinda feels safe from Juliet and the world knowing the royals won't protect her and has to go to her mortal enemy, Nick, who has expressed on multiple occasions he wanted her dead and somehow has to win him over to her side. Amazing scene if you watch the details, how she tries to reason with him explaining her actions, when that fails shifting gears to promising to save Juliet, and then finally closing the distance carefully and drawing Nick to her using the baby to bond them together. And that look she gives him when she places his hand on her belly. Wow! She knew in that moment she won him. Beautiful scene. Also, this is very important! Nick pulled away from her in that moment the same way he did from Juliet whenever she showed him her hexenbiest side but instead of being hurt and letting him go Adalind reached out to him and dragged him in. A really important choice. And then there's Juliet. Everyone is blaming the hexenbiest but I think that's wrong. Buffy Summers said it best, "We all have a choice! It might not be a good choice, but it is a choice!" And I will never argue with the slayer. Juliet, you had a choice, and you chose anger and vengeance beautifully depicted by the burning of the very thing that brought all the crazy and problems to her life, the cabin. Sorry, but I'm not letting Juliet off the hook. I don't know how Juliet can make this up to Nick. That's his family history, who he is as a Grimm up in smoke. I cannot wait to see how these storylines will collide. Let's Go!