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Brandon Wiesner

I think the case was an odd one. If someone doesn't become a partner at their company, it's not really something you can sue over. Plus they don't really have to give a reason. People get passed over for promotion all the time for any number of reasons. But hey, more importantly, Ally and Larry! I think they approached this one more realistically, which was surprisingly. Everything they went through leading up to them finally getting together, I could totally see. Her being nervous, him not wanting to rush it and getting mad at each other right before are all totally normal, unlike some of Ally's other pairings, where they hook up and usually sleep together other right away. It was refreshing to see a more grounded approach this time. So Richard and Ling are going to be a "hot" couple now? LMAO. he isn't going to know what is even happening. She doesn't even have to try to be sexy.

Patrick - Excelsior (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-02 21:25:19 A quick side bit on how this show is ‘dated’ on its views of trans people. I don’t agree. Saying this show is ‘dated’ implies that trans people are treated far better today than in the 80s. IMO, they are not. In the 80s, there were not daily marches of people trying to deny the rights of trans people. No one was accusing them of ‘grooming children’. Politicians weren’t running on platforms of degrading them and denying their existence as a gender. Writing laws to ban them from using public facilities. Trans people were not being systematically insulted, punished, demeaned and is some cases killed by half of the population of the country as they are today. Yes. In the 80s there were problems of understanding the how to talk about it and lots of confusion as to why trans people feel they way they do. But VERY few people wanted to resort to violent protest to deny them the right to go to the bathroom, contribute to society, defend their country, and live their lives as you see today. To say the show is ‘dated’ implies that trans people have come far and advanced greatly in this country, in this world. I’m sorry, I don’t see it. This world is STILL ‘dated’.
2023-07-02 18:16:34 A quick side bit on how this show is ‘dated’ on its views of trans people. I don’t agree. Saying this show is ‘dated’ implies that trans people are treated far better today than in the 80s,90s or 2000s. IMO, they are not. In the 90s, there were not daily marches of people trying to deny the rights of trans people. No one was accusing them of ‘grooming children’. Politicians weren’t running on platforms of degrading them and denying their existence as a gender. Writing laws to ban them from using public facilities. Trans people were not being systematically insulted, punished, demeaned and is some cases killed by half of the population of the country as they are today. Yes. In the 90s there were problems of understanding the how to talk about it and lots of confusion as to why trans people feel they way they do. But VERY few people wanted to resort to violent protest to deny them the right to go to the bathroom, contribute to society, defend their country, and live their lives as you see today. To say the show is ‘dated’ implies that trans people have come far and advanced greatly in this country, in this world. I’m sorry, I don’t see it. This world is STILL ‘dated’.

A quick side bit on how this show is ‘dated’ on its views of trans people. I don’t agree. Saying this show is ‘dated’ implies that trans people are treated far better today than in the 80s,90s or 2000s. IMO, they are not. In the 90s, there were not daily marches of people trying to deny the rights of trans people. No one was accusing them of ‘grooming children’. Politicians weren’t running on platforms of degrading them and denying their existence as a gender. Writing laws to ban them from using public facilities. Trans people were not being systematically insulted, punished, demeaned and is some cases killed by half of the population of the country as they are today. Yes. In the 90s there were problems of understanding the how to talk about it and lots of confusion as to why trans people feel they way they do. But VERY few people wanted to resort to violent protest to deny them the right to go to the bathroom, contribute to society, defend their country, and live their lives as you see today. To say the show is ‘dated’ implies that trans people have come far and advanced greatly in this country, in this world. I’m sorry, I don’t see it. This world is STILL ‘dated’.


1. Lally ...Arry ....McPaul ..McLarry ....There's no official ship name ..Take your pick Froots 2. You asked sooo.. There's nothing wrong with the audio... The episode AND you are both good 3. Pretty sure John just got sexually harrassed for the sake of a laugh but ok 4. Renée about Larry not kissing Ally: "Maybe he doesn't want to rush it?" Ally: "He's the man Renée it's his job to rush it" .......Ok first of all ...NO. ...Second .....IF it was a man's job ...Doesn't bode well for me ...Cause I'm HORRIBLE when it comes to picking up signs and I think it would just make me too nervous thinking "SHOULD I kiss her or am I picking up signals that aren't there?" ......I like you're opinion on it Froots ...A girl can take charge too! 5. Hmmmmm... I think it's kind of wholesome though ..Cute if you will ....They've been on 3 dates and he kissed her on the forehead ...Some guys would be trynna get into a girls pants by the 2nd date or whatever (even worse... on the 1st date ...and if you're the girl in this situation and actually fall for that shit... yikes.. have some respect for yourself) ....Not Larry though ...Larry likes to take things slow ....I support that ...It might turn some girls off but not everything needs to be quick and done with 6. Sooooo... I dunno who wrote this ...But apparently they've got someone who thinks women SHOULD be attracted to a man if they're handsome.. Wealthy and successful and drive a good car ....That would be so fucking sad if it was true ....I mean... The handsome part ...DEFINITELY true ...No woman WANTS to acknowledge it but they'll take a "HANDSOME good guy" over an "UGLY good guy" ANY day of the week ....But the other stuff is just WRONG. 7. Well duh... Ofcourse they lost ...They went up against Tony Stark 8. Renée about Billy: "He also said it was only a headache" ...Me: "Oh DAMN!" I don't like Renée but holy shit that was a good one