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Okay, this is interesting. I would have assumed that Australians pronounced the letter Z like Brits and Canadians do ("Zed") rather than like Americans do ("Zee") but it seems that given your reacton to McKay's pronunciation of ZPM, you pronounce the letter the same way Americans do. But since McKay is Canadian, that is the correct way for him to pronounce it, as strange as it may sound.

Retro Tom

Starting off the video, wait..... Sunkist.......not Pepsi...... wrong franchise, but Shan is a Skrull confirmed? In defense of the Zalenka/Anatolyi thing, I do think the beard makes a difference plus Arrow was nearly a decade later then this for him so he was also older & his accent is far less pronounced in Atlantis so I can easily see someone not recognizing him either way. When i watched Arrow I probably wouldn't have recognized him if I hadn't recognized his name in the credits first


good episode. I love seeing Mckay interact with children. Its cute and funny. I personally liked the simplicity of this episode. Sometimes i just enjoy a good episode focused on a new planet with different ways of living. I can see how some people might not like these episodes and sometimes they are boring but i did enjoy this one! The show is actually really picking up for me, i was really iffy the first few episodes but im starting to really enjoy this new show, not as much as SG1 but i still like it quite alot. I know its probably too early for you to have a favorite character so instead, what character do you like or enjoy seeing the most so far?


im gonna be honest, when shan kept insisting she knew mckay was on atlantis and the way he was acting, i was not expecting to like him but now hes one of my favorite characters lol

Jeremy Burch

I thought this was an alright episode, it was interesting meeting and learning about these new people. I thought Mckays interactions with the kids was funny, but I also did feel like the episode was a little slow and atypical. But to be fair, the whole there's one person whose helpful and one person who causes trouble has been in TV and movies for forever and will probably continue to be in TV and movies for forever.


FOR Shannan: 1. Yes... Sorry... My bad ..... I DID mean there's also small stores here that still RENT out movies but they're almost all gone and out of business ...I fudged up on making that note more clear for you 2. You: "Why do I have a lighter? I dunno.. I don't smoke" .....I know the reason ....You're contemplating committing insurance fraud ....Hey I'm all with you on that one ....My advice though .... Start small ...Don't burn the house down just yet ...You'll need a place to crash and my couch isn't exactly around the corner ..........Also.. For legal reasons ...This note never happened 3. I normally try to delete some of the more serious notes IF we've talked about them before (Yes.. The note reading section CAN be MUCH longer) ...Sometimes I forget to delete them... BUT as you pointed out WHY you didn't recognise Anatoly ...I figured your explanation for it was definitely a good one and figured people deserved to hear it ..Hence why that note was still in there 4. You: "I just thought they had an ability to self destruct.. Look I dyed my hair blond for a reason" .....Sure you frikkin Froot Loop ...The Wraith come with a built in self destruct ability ...SMH... Sometimes I wonder how you manage to tie your shoe laces all by yourself ...Actually it's probably best you use velcro right? You might get yourself tangled ...Anyways... You want some more crayons for your colouring book Froots? ...Maybe a sippy cup? ...No?? You already have a drink? Aight ...Yell if you need something Dum Dum 5. Their uniforms DO look kinda cool yeah ...Not all black though ...But dark grey or blue-ish is fine with me too 6. Since McKay is Canadian he pronounces the Z in ZPM differently as I'm sure others have already said ....I think it's kinda cool that they've put a bit of effort into having actors pronounce things in different ways on this show and speak entirely different languages sometimes (for example Zelenka speaking Czech) ...It shows that the Atlantis expedition is made up out of people from all over the world ....It's just that little bit of extra attention to detail .....Also ...In Dutch ...We pronounce Z as "zed" not "zee" like Muricans do ....I've merely been pronouncing it "zee pee em" cause that's how I've heard it pronounced most of the time and I am just emulating what I've heard ..But I'm only doing it that way cause English isn't my main language ....McKay pronounces it that way cause it's literally the way Canadians pronounce it ...To tell him to pronounce things differently would be to tell him his way of speaking is wrong ...It's not 7. This episode was ok ...But the way it ended was kinda eeehhh... Keep in mind that even though that Wraith device fell out of the sky ...SOMEONE must have been operating it ...Are you telling me that even though they wouldn't be able to use their tech ..The Wraith wouldn't be interested to know how their device just fell out of the sky?? I'd say those kids are as good as dead ....It would've probably been best to start bringing them to that large piece of land we found on the planet Atlantis is on just to be safe ...They could live with the Athosians