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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qbxv83se8prsg3s/The%20Flash%20S02E11%20-%20The%20Reverse-Flash%20Returns%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Walter Alcaraz

This episode also details in part why Eobard took over Wells' identity after killing him. He asked Harry from Earth-2 "Who are you?" and got "No one of note" and responded "Oooh, I doubt that." Eobard learned about Wells' connection to The Flash in this episode. So later in time, when he travels back to kill Barry, and then Barry's mom, he knows that he has to go after Wells to help out his long game plan to get back home, the connection to The Flash being a bonus.


I like it when you see something happen from the comics. I don't know nothing about the comics, so I learn something new there. Loving your arrowverse reactions.