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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e5qrfuwzuxnjwdf/Arrow%20S04E11%20-%20A.W.O.L%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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On case ypu were wondering, this is basocally the episode that comfirms that Diggle's code name is Spartan. Also, the reason they killed off Amanda Waller was because of the suicide squad movie coming out right around that time


Freaking Suicide Squad movie! That’s also why they killed off Deadshot last season


Shan's expression in the thumbnail reflects how I feel about Season 4 so far.


Not finding this seasons all that great and its hard to keep watched the arrow show, but I hopefully can pulled it off by watched through your reactions.


this episode came out in January of 2016 while the game Overwatch came out in May 2016. so Felicity's codename predates the game's release date.


I definitely remembering struggling through watching this season when it first aired. I now can look back with more clarity and really think Arrow kind of suffered a lot through parts of season 3 and so far in season 4 because of how the team behind Arrow was developing the whole Arrowverse. I think with the Flash, SG and LOT all coming out/being developed during this time frame kind of took away from the writers/producers really giving as much thought and effort as they were able to for Arrow season one and two. I would go into more thoughts on this but it would include thoughts about future seasons so will just stop here.

Jason Veevaert

Seriously? Why can't Dc have its kids share their toys? This is why Batgirl wasn't allowed to show up in Justice League Unlimited!


Season 4 is good!...all Super Heroes go thru trails...yes we are super-watchers!


Season 3-4 of Arrow are considered among the worst of the Arrowverse shows (mostly for the Olicity crap and the major wimping of Oliver and for something you'll see at the end of 4). Flash seasons 3-5 aren't much better. There are good episodes (mostly the crossovers) but those are few and far between.


Please delete this post as it creates expectations that Shannan doesn't want to hear. People have already altered her perceptions for Arrow season 4 by constantly saying it is the worst. Let her make her own mind up without negative expectations!!