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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Such a beautiful episode and a wonderful new reaction from you, so thank you so very much!! I am most definitely always excited for a new reaction for Once Upon a Time. :) First... I absolutely love the continued mystery of the Stranger and his interactions with both Henry and Emma. I especially love his meeting with Emma at Granny's, as he goads Emma about the mystery within his box and how he finally convinces her to have a drink with him. He's very smooth. :) Now... of course this episode is centric around Snow White/Mary Margaret and Prince Charming/David in both the past and present storylines. And I absolutely love them both. I love how the storyline with Mary Margaret wishing to free the dove so it can return to its own family, is symbolic of the relationship between Snow and Charming, as well as Mary Margaret and David. My favorite scene overall throughout this episode is the moment Snow is forced to confront Charming inside King George's castle to tell him she doesn't love him in order to save his life. The emotion first on Charming's face as he cries upon hearing her tell him she doesn't love him, and then afterwards the pain on Snow's face as she's walking away from him... it's heartbreaking and yet so beautiful. Raw heartbreaking emotion. Their chemistry is exquisite. And I feel that while yes... Snow could have told Charming the truth about King George threatening his life, she knows that in doing so, she would have put Charming's life more at risk, knowing that King George is a very powerful man and that he would send assassins out to try to have him killed. She didn't want to risk putting his life anymore at risk if she could try to protect him. Next... I too love Grumpy's storyline upon learning that he had once been in love, and I love that this episode shows how he and the rest of the dwarfs meet Snow White. I also love that Snow risks her own life in order to help Grumpy to escape from being killed by King George's men inside the castle. And Grumpy is great here, when he refuses to give Snow up despite King George's threat that he is about to be killed. And we also learn about Stealthy, who is killed right away to leave behind seven brothers... the seven dwarfs. As for Stealthy... the reason for creating an eighth dwarf was to bring the seven dwarfs and Snow White together. To help give the dwarfs, not only a reason for the dwarfs to want to save and protect Snow White from the Evil Queen and her Black Guards, but also to help give them a deeper connection. Now Snow and the dwarfs all know how it feels to lose people they love. And I really love their coming together storyline. Also... I really enjoy the brief moment between Snow and Rumplestiltskin, as she meets him for the first time too in order to get something from him that will help her to forget Charming so she won't have to feel so much pain, especially after having to lie to him to break his heart. Grumpy keeps her from drinking Rumple's potion for a little while, but inevitably, the pain becomes too much for her and it's later revealed in the end that she drinks it after all. More to come, but the parallels between both the past and present storylines are really beautiful. :) As for another one of my favorite lines and moments within this episode... I love, love, love David's line to Mary Margaret just after she frees the dove, when he states to her... "I have memories of feelings for Kathryn, but I have real feelings for you." Such a poignant line that crosses over with Charming's feelings and love for Snow White. And it's so true because Charming was never in love with Abigail in the fairytale world. His cursed memories are telling him he loves Kathryn (Abigail), but he can't ignore the real feelings he feels for Mary Margaret because of his True Love he feels for Snow. He and Mary Margaret just can't remember they're truly married and why they're so much in love despite it not making any sense to them. I know that in Storybrooke, David and Mary Margaret are cheating upon giving into their feelings for one another because they believe he and Kathryn are married. However, we know otherwise, as shown in the Pilot that Snow White and Prince Charming are really the ones married to one another. I never condone cheating. It's despicable and I normally hate love triangles established between any characters in any show or movie. A part of me does hate this love triangle created between Mary Margaret, David, and Kathryn too. And yet... because Snow White and Prince Charming are True Loves, I route for them and their love to win out. Overall... I love this storyline with David and Mary Margaret and its parallels to the Enchanted Forest storyline. I love how both of them come to Granny's every morning at 715 am to see one another without realizing why the other was doing so at first, then later that they try to avoid one another by coming in for coffee later, only to inevitably run into one another again. I love the moments between David and Mary Margaret as she struggles to free the bird so it can be with its flock before they leave him behind. I love how David saves her and they both finally talk about their feelings towards one another, which later leads to their kiss in the end, sadly seen by Regina. But I love how both of them try so hard to ignore their feelings, eventually going so far as to try to avoid one another, only to find that they can't any longer. What will Regina do next and how will Snow come to remember Charming again? And who is this Stranger? So many questions and so many episodes to come. :) Thank you again so much for this amazing reaction. I really enjoyed it and had so much fun watching it with you. Until next time...

Samantha Bailey

Are they technically married though, because the evil queen just moved people around and gave them fake memories and lives to live. Some characters still have some kind of connection to each other but others have been forced to forget.


ASR: "Fairy tales are my thing...I've seen like every Disney movie ever." Also ASR: Thinks there's a dwarf called Stealthy. ??? 😜

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Snow and Charming are married, not David and Kathryn. However, as far as both David and Mary Margaret know... he is married to Kathryn and most likely there's a marriage certificate somewhere along with all the fake photos of them together that make their marriage legit. Either way... as far as David and Mary Margaret know, they are sadly having an affair.

Talon Karrde

Man That Mary David plot yeah... pretty messy...


You know I found myself wondering how many Disney animated TV shows you had seen. Because Gargoyles seems like a natural.


I know you enjoy trying to guess what the themes of each episode will be, but I was wondering if you picked up on the hints that the opening title sequence shows? Every episode has a different scene behind the show's title. 😊