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New stuff!


Ooh, good catch! The guy on the motorcycle was in an episode of Buffy -- he was in 1x06, The Pack!


Holy smokes! The debut of THAT hat. 😂 Stunning, simply stunning.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for your reaction for True North! I do like this episode, and Once Upon a Time's overall interpretation of the Hansel and Gretel fairytale. This wasn't one of my favorite episodes, but I still really enjoy it. I especially love the mystery behind the Stranger coming to town in the end which made both Emma and Henry feel very uneasy, as well as curious. Emma so far is the only one who has been able to enter Storybrooke because she's the Savior, so who is this mysterious Stranger? I also really like the Blind Witch. She's creepy and her look is quite good. And in regards to Hansel being foolish to take the cupcake and eating it... there are theories from fans of this show that it's possible the Blind Witch has cast a spell over the many sweets throughout her house to lure children in and to tempt them, which is why Regina sternly warned Hansel and Gretel not to eat anything. And it's possible that once Hansel took a bite, her enchantments immediately alerted her to the children being in her house and stealing her treats. Whether or not these theories are true... I choose to believe they are because otherwise, Hansel is simply foolish, and this part of their backstory isn't great aside from it being simply another retelling of the fairytale with the added twist of the Evil Queen sending them there to retrieve her poisoned apple meant for Snow White. So I like this idea that he fell for the temptation due to the Blind Witch's magic. As for the rest of the backstory... I really love and appreciate that Regina kidnapped Hansel's and Gretel's father to get the children to do her bidding, rather than him simply abandoning them like their father had done in the original fairytale. I know parents do wind up abandoning their children in the real world, but it breaks my heart, so I love this twist, and that Hansel and Gretel's father didn't abandon his children after all. I also really like Hansel and Gretel's father as a character, and Emma helping him and the children to become reunited again in the end. While the end resolve seemed simple overall, I felt deeply touched upon seeing Hansel and Gretel become reunited with their father after all these years they've been separated due to the curse, and Regina splitting them up when she sent the children and their father away to a part of the Enchanted Forest. They are still cursed and don't know one another, but at least they are together again and have become a family again. Also... Michael (the children's father) states that he recognized Emma had called him under false pretenses, in order to get him to come out to see the children, which I love. How very clever of Emma, all because she had hope that he would find the courage to step up and be their father. I also really love Emma's storyline throughout this episode, as she struggles to fight for the children. She struggles deeply with her own past as you will continue to see more of throughout the series, especially with her belief that her parents just abandoned her, as Hansel and Gretel believe their father's done to them too. Emma's story throughout this episode is quite beautiful and sad, and it's one of the things I love most about this episode for sure. And this storyline for her helps her to grow even stronger as a character, even though I already love her, and have since the very beginning. She's definitely among my favorite characters. :) I also feel that Regina was attempting to fill the hole in heart she's felt for a very long time when she offered to take Hansel and Gretel in within the Enchanted Forest. She absolutely wants to be loved. She just hasn't gone about it the right way because of her hatred for Snow White and her inability to get over her loss. Plus... it's revealed that true love in her life has been rare. Also... Regina's costume in the Enchanted Forest, like always... looked amazing. Her gowns and costumes are all amazing. :) Just like the Blind Witch's costume was as well. And lastly... another of my favorite moments throughout this episode aside from the end scene with the mysterious stranger arriving in town on his bike looking for a place to stay, and Emma fighting to convince Michael to take in his children... is the moment in the end between Emma and Mary Margaret, as they talk about how Emma brought Hansel and Gretel together with their father, then they went on to talk about Henry's belief that Emma is Snow White's daughter. I love their playful banter, and the moment when Mary Margaret picks up Emma's baby blanket upon sensing something familiar about it. Sadly, she shrugs off her strange feeling as she drops it back into the box, but things are slowly changing and the curse is weakening little by little. :) Overall... this was a solid episode. I can't wait for your continuance for Once Upon a Time, and I'm so happy that you're excited for more as well!!!! Thank you again! Until your next reaction...


Is it wrong that I still find Emma Caulfield really hot as a blind, children eating, cannibal witch?


That comic rack confuses me. He's reading Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #3 - May 2009. Also on the rack, we see Kazar the Savage - Apr 1981, and Fantastic Four #266 - May 1984. Why those? I can't think of how they go together.
