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Christopher simeon

Well good news. AOS is getting a season 7 so you have 4 more seasons of reactions to do of that great show.


There are other Whedon shows, plus one upcoming!

Paul Thomas-Humphreys

Im meant to be doing the housework... but now I’m going to watch this instead!

Sheriff Uchiha

I won't say much, but Spike never said he wanted his chip gone. He said he just wanted to be what he was before so Buffy could get what she deserves.


I love Buffy coming up from the ground (grave ) into the sunlight with a smile, the opposite of the premiere.


Wooow you made it, you pass the dreaded Season Six. Congrats!!!, I can´ t imagine how different is to experience this in such a public and way, you did it like a champ, thanks a lot.


Yay, Super Xan-Man! He should wear a cape now... Funny, first time I saw the end, it never occurred to me that Spike could've been tricked, I only realized how ambiguous was the wording of Spike's intentions up to that point (I don't think this is spoilery even by Shan's standards, but I'll happily delete or edit it if anyone thinks otherwise) So there goes Season 6, one of my favorites. But I'm not going anywhere! So many videos from you in my future... I even enjoy shows I didn't like the first time! How cool is that?


And there's not a one who could say this ended well... Say your happy now, once more with feeling.

Claire Eyles

No, not in so many words, but even if he didn't say it directly the language he did use, and his whole attitude and demeanour ('bitch is going to see a change') was leaning more towards someone who wanted off their leash, pronto.


I LOVE season 6. I know I’m in the minority, but I love how dark and relatable it is. It tackled real world issues like addiction, depression, grief, isolation, and rape, all on a supernatural show. The characters were more human and flawed this season, which creates more realistic stakes in the end. Dark Willow is the best Buffy villain since Angelus tbh.


I'm hoping you can react to the comic series after this is done :D


"bitch is gonna see a change..... You'll make me what I was?.... Give me what I need so she can get what she deserves.... Give me what I need to take care of the Slayer...." :)

Brandon Wiesner

I understand your grieving for Tara. Everyone loved her. The thing is though, it was the only way to really make Willow go over the edge like she did. Her whole arc this season was of one going through an addiction. She had problem, then she needed help. She kicked it for awhile and then something happens that makes her go off the wagon big time. She is growing as a character, still even into the final season. It sucks that Tara had to go but it was essential to Willow's overall story arc, especially this season. Otherwise, who would have been the big bad, Warren? The trio? They knew that would only go so far.


Ships that broke off so far: Angel/Buffy, Oz/Willow, Xander/Cordy, Doyle/Cordy, Wesley/Cordy, Groo/Cordy, Tara/Willow. Spike/Drusilla, Spike/Buffy, Buffy/Riley, Xander/Anya... WOW


If Tara went with her family then yes she wouldn't have died but she would have spent her entire life with her family unhappy. At least her final day of living she got to spend happily with Willow. <3


Xander pissed me off so much this season but he always has his redeeming moments, as seen in the finale :)


Agreed. Only thing I disliked was the episode quality after Tabula Rasa until Entropy.

s jaco

S6 is my favourite season, I hope you will enjoy the last season. You are currenlty not watching shows I watch(ed) apart from Buffy but I will always come back once you pick up a show up I love. But I will enjoy the buffy ride with you for the episodes still to come.


I personally hate CW shows so I'm not interested in the current shows you're watching. But I'm so excited for your GoT reactions. It would also be awesome if you reacted to LOST, Stranger things, Vikings and Black sails


Shan, here's a thought. Once you're done season 7 of Buffy, maybe do an occasional rewatch of your favourite episodes. Of course only when you have the time. You have other shows that you're reacting to.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

I love the final moment with Spike. We now get two souled vampires who love Buffy. But the contrasts. One was cursed as he wanted none of it. The other endured days of torture to achieve it. I love Spike. I hated him after the attempted rape, but he redeemed himself in my book in this episode.


I liked so many things about this episode, it makes me not hate some of the lead-up. And I liked the final scene and the final line because it seemed to... I don't know, express what was happening for everyone. After all the trials, it was like a promise that the core, well, soul, of the show was being returned. (No comment on whether or not that was successful, but I loved the promise of that last line.) I'd be all about following "Once Upon A Time" with you, if you decide to go with that pilot. Heck, you're a fun reactor; I'd probably go with any show I liked even a little bit. :D


So, I have mixed feelings about Season 6. Overall I like it a lot, and it has some of my favorite episodes. Even with the issues I have, the finale of the season still makes me emotional. But Tara's death....well, it's not something I'm happy about. It's not just because I loved her character, it's because it felt like the cheapest dramatic choice to make. I always thought that if someone were going to die, it should have been Xander. Not because I hate him (again, his part at the end here always makes me cry) but because it would have been more narratively compelling to me. He'd been around since the beginning. If he died it would absolutely devastate Willow, and I think it would have been able to bring about much of the same story, with her throwing herself into magic to get revenge and ultimately going too far. Then it would give Buffy the opportunity to convince Willow to live again, which to me would have fit more with her arc this season. Comparatively, Tara had only been around since season four. She hadn't had nearly as much time to develop, and killing her now feels like wasting her character. That's not even getting into the way it was done - right after a happy day with Willow, purely for the sake of an emotional gutpunch. I get not everyone will agree, and that's fine. But it's always felt like a cheap dramatic choice to me.


No spoilers, but I'll share what my thoughts were when I first saw the episode years ago. I certainly thought the implication was that Spike was going to get the chip removed, but I kept thinking to myself that it was so contrary to how he felt about Buffy for so long that I honestly was questioning it the entire time he was going through his "tests". The ending was a surprise, but I didn't for a second think it was a swerve by the demon. I took it as him getting what he requested. That was my honest assessment at the time.

s jaco

I watch Vikings and Black Sails reaction from pretty much all reactors. Brilliant shows! Other than that I watch Attack on Titan reactions (only when watched in sub though) but most of the shows I watch don't have any one reaction to it. Most reactors do the same shows which are indeed CW shows and Shadowhunters. Though two are doing Anne with an E currently which I absolutely love as well.


I always thought Spike trying to win his soul back was out of selfishness tbh. He wanted Buffy to love him. The only way she could love him after what he did to her, is if he got his soul back. He saw Angel and Buffy together, so he knew maybe he had a chance if he got his soul back. Everything Spike has done this entire series has been selfishly motivated.


To add to what you said, I very much enjoyed the ending line of the song, "And it's in dying that we are born again to eternal life, Amen", with the ending scene of Spike getting his soul back (apparently).


Shan, this sounds weird but I love how devastated you still are about Tara. My fave characters in Buffy are Faith - Tara - Buffy. These last 3 episodes have so much hype and drama that Tara's death is sorta glossed over and not made the focus. I loved that girl and we saw her grow so much since season 4. Remember when she was afraid to speak at the lame wicca group?!! She came so far. RIP Tara. <3


Great reactions through an emotional season of television. The storytelling is outstanding, IMO. Spike didn't need the chip out in order to hurt Buffy. Maybe he wanted to hurt her by killing the Scoobies, but that's more of an Angelus thing. Spike would probably have just wanted to hurt Buffy. Except he still wanted her. He tried being nice to her, tried helping her, tried to entice her over to the dark side. None of it worked for very long and seemed to end up driving her further away. I don't think Spike “wanted” to get his soul back but saw it as his last option to make her want him. Buffy saw him as an “evil, soulless thing” so he decided to change that.


I think that we were not meant to know what Spike's intentions were for leaving Sunnydale. In the end, it shouldn't really matter. He got his soul back. Yay!!


This was an emotionally draining season, but I liked that at the end of it you can see that there can be hope and joy even after a horrible period of depression. I think Spike's comments which were confusing for Shan, may just have showed how he generally expresses himself as if he had two conflicting desires. Remember in OMWF, Spike says "I hope she fries, I'm free if that bitch dies-- I better help her out." He can express himself very harshly, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he is expressing himself directly... The fact that Spike has a soul now does raise the question for me: Is Spike the demon dead or chained? Angelus spoke of being free after so long being imprisoned in season 2 of Buffy, so everyone always treats Angel vs Angelus as two distinct characters; So the next time we see Spike, will we meet William?

Sheriff Uchiha

I think this pretty much proves that Hotz was right. Angel is Angelus. He acts like he is two different people and if he ever loses his soul he turns back into that person. If he get his soul back that person is locked away and som3one else comes back. So Angel always want to keep his soul and Angelus always wants to not have it. But Spike, while not having a soul wanted one. And I believe if he lost it he would want it back. So I put it to everyone that Spike is just naturally a better man than Angel.


Coming back to Spike :P the last episodes whore very important for his progression, I love Spike and is really sad to see so much division towards him, that he is bad or he is not. I honestly think everybody is right in a way, but there is so much more in to it, Spike is not a black and white character, he has a lot of colours, dimensions and textures, and he has a very flesh out progression from season 2 till now, very different from the dual nature of Angel/Angelus. Last week I had too many thoughts so I decide to structure them in these lines if anyone wants to read them (this is my interpretation anyway, or my headcanon, there are no spilers but is a bit over analysis :P). Is stated in Fool for love that William is not a very accomplished man, mocked by his pairs and rejected by his love interest even though he thinks of himself as a good man, After he is turn a vampire he start to construct an image (the name, the accent, the scar, the hair, the coat) Almost a disguise, very opposite to his former self (the man who failed to his eyes) and very focused on a false more aggressive masculinity (the falic objects he use, the violence, and all his personality traits), but still some William things stay with him, a glimpse of humanity, mainly his romantic nature and the need for a girl to “see him”. Now I think the Spike transformation start in season 4 with the chip, not like a soul of course but as a way to stop him from his blinding violence and give space for his humanity leftovers to grow. An I really think some changes happen with Spike, in the dream of “Out of my mind” when he realizes he loved Buffy he accepts dead (change) and let Buffy kill him, to then kiss her. I don´t think this was a random choice. Then he starts the stoker stage which is hilarious but also very “romantic poet” type, lurking under the oblivious beloved window (Bécquer), mourning eternally the death of the platonic loved (Wordsworth), doing stupid grand gestures because of your passion (Rimbaud). This wore all romantically enhanced traits used by artists, William as a poet must had this influence and as a Vampire interiorized it as love, but is not in essence ( I think the need of a soul is important) and it can be very destructive. Still, I think William/Spike is looking for something more here, something glowing and glistening, something effulgent... He says Buffy he is willing to change in Crush, and I think he tries to do it, you can see how he start making selfless choices and act completely different to the self-serving vampire canon, if this is for Buffy or a personal change is for debate, I personally think the human part in Spike is getting stronger and in Season Six especially he is having a huge inner conflict. Season Six is very extreme and I do believe Spuffy was toxic, but it was toxic in both ways. This was a genre subversion too when our awesome goody hero is super abusive and dismissive, and our hot naugthy bad boy is begging for love and demands respect just to be rejected. And then “Seeing Red” happens... I really don´t like the execution of the bathroom scene but as an episode I think is a very important turning point for Spike. The most important part of that scene for me was the talk they had; Spike says “love is passionate and dangerous, it burn and consume” but Buffy reject it, Spike is trying to impose Buffy this “idealized romantic drama”, and Buffy after a time of being ambivalent about it finally said no. Here something clicks on Spike and you can see it in his face, also a very important thing happens, he leaves his coat, A major element of his big bad costume, this false masculinity/disguise is no longer useful. In this particular aspect, I think Spike is paired with Warren; he also plays with an aggressive false masculinity (his fakes balls, bond villain wannabe plays) and oversteps boundaries hurting women. Even in Villains the speech Willow gives to the trapped Warren could be said to the pre-chipped Spike, “you liked the power you feel when you kill her, you get off on it, that why the slayer is your big O” ( paraphrasing, and also I think is important to note: pre-chipped Spike is not the same as the current, but this demonic violence needed to be addressed before Spike could really change) ”. Then Warren is killed and Spike is in the cave fighting and enduring his trials. Now Spike has his soul back and everything changes in the next season, I think the road this character takes from being an absolute villain in season 2 to now is fascinating, the writers could made Spike regain his soul in just one episode, but they take all this time to create meaning in his transformation and I love this show for it (even if is not always pleasant). Again this is just my humble interpretation, and im open to any discussion :)


Please remove the spoilers from this comment quick , before Shan sees them! Thanks! Good discussion for a later time.


Here's a question about spoilers. If a reactor asks us a question and says don't answer if it's a spoiler: in that situation, is it a spoiler to say, "We don't know the answer to your question."? I would say usually not. But it does give away that there is not going to be a clear, cut-and-dried answer to the question.


This is a rough season. Almost every time I try to do a full Buffyverse rewatch, I get stalled at season 6. It just makes me so glum. (And Angel season 3 does NOT help.) On the other hand, I love the showdown between Willow and Xander at the end. I get a fairly severe leaky-eye problem as soon as Xander starts talking about the yellow crayon in kindergarten.


Buffy 5 + Angel 2 is a wonderful combo. Buffy 6 + Angel 3, however, I find to be a giant downer. They're not bad, they're just harsh.


"Joss, what do you say to people that feel that season 6 was too dark?" Joss was asked this during a convention panel. Here was his answer: "Um... oops?"


Didn't really seem like a spoiler question, but ok, I'll respect that. Surprised at your underwhelmed response either way, though. I thought you'd fall off your chair crying.


I admit I was expecting a bit more of a reaction from Shan as well. But I think she was just so emotionally stuck and drained on the Tara death that the Spike mini-arc we saw at the end of the season just fell flat for her. Perhaps without the emotional drain that Tara's death took she'd have been more invested. Just guessing, of course. Only Shan knows how she was feeling at the end of that episode and why it didn't produce a bigger reaction. I know when I first saw it I was floored.


I love season 6. I have struggled with black thoughts my entire life, and to see my hero's go through the darkness. More than that, to see them fail to go through it, and then ultimately remember that hope is worth the pain. Means a very great deal to me.

Vicky N

About what was going on with Spike, it was deliberately ambiguous. But when you think about it, Spike can hurt Buffy even with the chip, so why would he want it removed?

Vicky N

I’ve never liked this finale because Buffy, who is supposedly the hero, is sidelined and doesn’t save the day. I love the “yellow crayon” speech as much as anyone else, but it feels off that while Xander is saving the world (with a big help from Giles), Buffy is trapped in grave fighting mudd demons.


One way to think of it is that Buffy wasn't denied a fight with the season's big bad (Willow), but that each character was in a fight for their soul.


The Spike stuff was purposely ambiguous in order to set up for that cliffhanger.


The reason season 6 is my favorite season of Buffy is because it is so different than all the others. It's not just the darker tone and subject matter, but the fact that the plot unfolds in such a unique way. In the other seasons we generally know who/what the Big Bad is by episode 10 and then watch the scoobies uncover the devious scheme and win the day. In season 6 there is no Big Bad, there is just life and the multitude of problems that it can bring. Now on to season 7, I think you’ll really like it. And hey, you’re only about 10 episodes away from what is my personal most favorite moment in the entire Whedonverse. Can’t wait for that reaction.

Timotey Kuhn

I REALLY think that you should slow down the output of Buffy & Angel. I've always thought that this 2 to 3 episodes of each show per week is WAY too much WAY too fast. For the remaining season of Buffy & the 2 remaining seasons of Angel, you should REALLY consider slowing it down to just one episode per week of each show. Keep the magic alive longer that way.

Timotey Kuhn

*ending song*...LOOOOVE me that Sarah Mclachlan ... <3 <3 <3 <3

Timotey Kuhn

* big giant super hugs you at the end of the episode*


In regards to Spike's soul the big thing for me is the motivation rather than the intent. Yes, he may have gone there with the intention of getting his soul back but he didn't do it because he felt guilty about all the evil he has done or because he genuinely wanted to be a better person. He did it 100% for selfish reasons, he did it because he thought it would make Buffy love him, thus imo negating any redeeming quality in the action. There's more I want to say about the issue of souled!Spike but that would go into spoiler territory so I'll refrain for now.

David Caine

I understand why people don't like season 6, because it takes all the characters down really dark paths. But it reflects what many go through at that point in their lives, and there was a lot of substance to the season-long story. Unlike some that think things were contrived, I think both the descent and ascension of the characters was built upon and a payoff from all the previous seasons. It made for an ultimately satisfying story within a season, with some truly great heights and epic moments, and the "lows" are just story beats to get there. And Giles and Anya are my favorites, but Xander had his best moment so far, and Buffy and Dawn had a great heartwarming scene that finally brings Buffy out of her depression.


Once he has a soul, he is no longer the Demon though so I don't really hold much against him. I see angel and Angelous as different people as with Spike and Soul Spike.

The Movie Guru

Did you know that in the original version of the shooting script, Willow kills Xander and that is what shocks her out of her evil state? That would have changed the feeling of the season entirely and the rest of the show. I won't say more for spoilers sake.


The hair joke at the beginning was an in show joke. Emma continually copied Sarah's hair styles.


Season six is one of my favourites (S5 in the light and S6 in the dark) but is very draining, even after 15 years. I start to appreciate it more as I was getting older though, recognizing a lot of real life problems that I didn´ t get the first time I watch it (being 18 back then). Now I actually find it helpful, therapeutic even. Being in very dark episodes of my life when life is just too much, watch this season helped me, to give an image to confusing feelings, clues of what was happening and strength to keep fighting... and a huge catharsis this last episode. Is like watching Buffy come out of a depression help me to do that too. Is something about the BTVS show in general but mostly this Season, I can say it affected my life and in a positive way, this is something I can´ t say of any other show.


Tara could have gone with her family, and she would have lived. But what would that life have been like? If you asked Tara at that moment in Season 5, you will have only another year, and you will experience the highest highs and some of the lowest lows, or you can live out the remainder of your life with your family, I think I know which she would have chosen.


And that is why Xander is the heart of the group. The only scoobie with no supernatural powers and he managed to save the world by simply saying “I love you”. Glad you appreciated the Willow/Xander scene. I always get teary eyed during that scene too.

Jarrod Wild

I feel like this was the weaker of the two final episodes of the season, except for one amazing scene. This flowed better when Two To Go and Grave were originally aired as one two-hour finale. As for Spike, I always felt that it was a deliberate mislead. He was never specific about what he sought out that demon in Africa to do for him. He sort of dodged his way around it and talking about how the chip was the problem. What I think he was really trying to say was that it was the perception of others about "Spike with a chip" was clearly not enough. They kept insulting him as being soulless and that the chip was nothing but a leash. So getting Buffy what "she deserves" to him was a Spike with a soul. The demon was never specific either, just referring to what he could perform as a "restoration". That term certainly fits with restoring a soul, and doesn't fit as well with the idea of restoring Spike specifically as an unleashed vampire by removing his chip.

Jarrod Wild

Spike talked about the chip being the problem, but what made it a problem was what was made so deliberately ambiguous. I think Spike felt that the chip, from others' perspectives, was not enough for others to think that he could truly become good. He was constantly insulted as being soulless and the chip as nothing but a leash to keep him from being a bloodsucker.


Love this eps and your reaction.

Jarrod Wild

I love how you can watch it the first time and everything he says sounds like "I want this chip out", and then you watch it the second time and everything he says sounds totally different, once the context is clear.

Jarrod Wild

It sucks that killing Tara was what it would take, but we got a taste of what Willow's rage might look like should any harm come to her, back in season 5. Willow needed to be pushed so far that coming back from it would seem impossible. And then after nearly all the Scoobies tried to stop her, reason with her, it was the one she'd known intimately her entire life that was the only one who could reach her.

Jarrod Wild

Prayer of Saint Francis. Off her "Rarities, B-Sides, ..." collection.

Jarrod Wild

Helped that of all the Scoobies, the two of them have known each other their whole lives and have spent more time with each other than with anyone else.

Dennis Bryant

I do not think Spike went to his trial thinking to get his soul back, He went wanting to be the old Spike, to "take care of her" He said "make me what I was", in that he wanted to be a free vampire, able to do as he pleased. The powers he went to though, read into his words deeper, his true heart's desire. "make me what I was, so that she can get what she deserves". A man(vampire) with a soul, that can take care of and help her.


"Ner ner na ner ner, You've got a soul!" :D Really not sure if he wanted the chip removed or to get his soul back.


What I liked: -Scobie’s accepting/discovering stuff: Buffy accepting her humanity/her childlike innocence, Willow her grief, and Xander the reality that he can and does love well and that is his human power. -a nice parallel with Angel in amends not understanding why he's back from a hell dimension to Buffy not understanding why she’s back from heaven[heavenly dimension?], booth times Giles[mind metaphor] is of little help. Things I don’t completely love [I can’t bring myself to actually dislike anything]: Here’s a moment where the metaphor and the story lead to opposite reactions. Dawn as Buffy’s inner child [her innocence] is right that she doesn’t need to neglect and push her aside to be an adult but bring her along and show her the world. But at the story level it’s tough not to side with Buffy’s annoyance at Dawn's character at times this season. One of the few fails on the writer’s part, they made Dawns legitimate needs too unsympathetic to match up with the metaphorical purpose. The ending with Spike getting his soul felt a little tacked on as an afterthought …but I’m saving all my main thoughts on Spike for season 7. New thought watching this for the nth time -Willow saying: “I finally have you[Giles] all to myself” I feel Willow wanted Giles as a mentor, but since he was Buffy’s he never fully committed to that role for Willow, that partial rejection of Willow has been playing out since season 3 at least in their relationship.


Spike and Sam, the souless adventures crossover events! I wish haha.


Is very discussed that in this season Spike represented the Shadow of Buffy (the part of ourselves that we don´t want to accept but we must to grow integrally, our dark side) pretty much like Faith in season 3. Looking the season under this perspective is very different, the conversations they have, the dynamics, the violence. He wants her to accept him, she in total denial (fear of being rejected by her friends if they know her dark side). There is a book "the psychology of Joss Whedon" that talk about this subject more deeply and even gives a different interpretation to Buffybot and heaven Buffy, is really trippy. It talks about Angel and Firefly too. I let the link if anybody is interested, there are Spoilers of course but the Buffy-Spike chapter is only about this Season. <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Psychology-Joss-Whedon-Unauthorized-Exploration/dp/1933771259" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/Psychology-Joss-Whedon-Unauthorized-Exploration/dp/1933771259</a>

Andrew Pulrang

Your reaction during the actual scenes suggested you were fully into the story, even if overall you felt that Tara’s death ruined it a little. I do think that all in all, making Tara’s death the final driver of Willow’s inevitable decent into evil magic was just a bit too much. It worked and made sense, but the side effect was probably bigger than anticipated ... we actually mourn Tara. She’s not just a plot device to make something else happen. Her death is a whole thing in itself. Looking back at it, I feel like there is a possible message here about how there’s another variety of evil that is basically chaotic and nonsensical, almost unintentional ... exemplified by The Trio. They started out basically as garden-variety self-centered nerds, cowards, and misogynists. They practically stumbled on being a real threat. And killing Tara and setting all of that in motion was almost completely an accident ... except one that came out of another intended evil. So evil isn’t always pure and charismatic, like The. Master, or ambitious and methodical like The Mayor, or bureaucratic, like with Maggie Walsh and the Initiativfe. It can be blundering, selfish, and accidental too. I wonder what the next ... and last ... study of evil will be.


I remember there was a point early on in the season where you questioned why there wasn't a significant "Big Bad" this season. Many argue that the Trio were in fact the main villains, but Joss Whedon once pointed out in an interview that the real Big Bad of Season 6 was actually the gang themselves! They were their own worst enemies, dealing for the first time with the reality of growing up and possibly outgrowing each other, trying to weigh their personal lives, traumas and issues (Willow's addiction and deceptions, Dawn's shoplifting, Joy's death, Giles' mid-life angst, Xander's marriage, etc.), while trying to remain dedicated to what they've been committed to for so long: fighting the forces of evil. It never ceases to amaze me how traumatizing it is when "real life" intertwines with the fantasy of the show. I mean, I'd even argue that the most frightening moment in the season was Warren pulling out a gun and shooting Buffy and Tara. It's a jolt of reality that is unexpected and difficult to shake. Also, although I'm not a HUGE fan of Season 6, I have to say that the 4-part finale was the best of the series. Dark Willow was six years in the making, and part of the fun watching your reactions is picking up on little things that tipped off her eventual slip into darkness. Giles knew this was a possibility from Season 2! Xander's intervention at the end was sheer poetry. Anyway, great reactions. Cheers!


Okay this is going to get lost in the sea of comments I'm sure but I feel like I need to say this." If she would have gone with her family she would still be alive" yes you're right probably but let me tell you a lifetime as a slave is not worth one year with love of your life. I get this notion. And I think I'm going to tell a little story. I had a best friend from the age of 12 until 19. I had a crush on her. I thought she was straight so I was going to help her find a decent guy because she had shity tastes. Graduation day when she bent down to give me a hug I walked the stage she kissed me. Ask me if we could just forget that that happened. I told her fuck no and kissed her back. We were together for a year then one night on the way home from work she got hit by a drunk driver. I was woken up. Fell very deeply off the deep end and for many years I couldn't help but think if I have never kissed her she would have never been in that car. Maybe I wouldn't be as estranged from my blood as I am. But you know what I wouldn't give that year up for anything and I have to hope that Tara and my Kaitlynn I would say the same thing. But that's why I love the show so much. Tara and Willow taught me that it was okay and Willow taught me that I would be okay


It was really nice to see the return of Shan singing the theme song. :)


Joss' middle name is "Shipwreck". Joseph Shipwreck Whedon.


ASR, you asked why they killed Tara. It's rather simple, because the story needed them to. They wanted to make a Dark Willow arc and the only thing that could make Willow go all dark side was Tara's death. This arc is a fan favorite by many for a reason and it would not have worked unless they killed Tara. As much as seeing Tara die hurt (and it hurt really bad) it was done for the right reason. Not just to shock the viewers, like some shows do, but because there was a important story to tell that needed it to happen. That is one of the really good things about Joss Whedon, while he kills a lot of characters, he doesn't kill important characters without a good story reason. And killing Tara wasn't easy. Nobody (including Joss) wanted to kill her but they had been planning it for a long time to make the Dark Willow storyline so they had to go through with it. There is more to it but I will wait to comment it until you have finished season 7.

Loves Bitca

Yeah, Joss said at one point that IF Willlow were still with Oz at this point then it would have been Oz that got killed to bring in Dark Willow.

Loves Bitca

"I always felt that it was a deliberate mislead" It was. Joss specifically said so. During a panel discussion at the end of the season (its on youtube) The host said "Spike went to get the chip removed right?" Joss answered "Nooo......... But you were supposed to believe he was. It's what is called a 'Plot Twist'. I invented it".


Season 6 was my favorite. Over the years I've had such a hard time understanding why all Buffy fans didn't share that opinion. 5

Jordan Haddow

That was priceless. Spike goes through all that to get the chip removed, and the demon gave him exactly what he asked for. Spike told the demon, "Give me what I want. Make me what I was. So Buffy gets what she deserves." Little did he know the demon did exactly what he asked. He gave Buffy what she deserves, her man with a soul. Of course he's going to go through hell for the crap he pulled on her too. When asking something from a demon, you have to word things exactly, lol.

BiPolar HoneyBear

It's weird how many people didn't realize Spike intentionally went to fight for his soul