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Dark Angel S01E01 - Pilot FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Eric Zebrowski

This show was created by James Cameron (Terminator 1 & 2 , Titanic, Avatar and others. This show was also way ahead of its time. It talked about elements such as mass survaliance and pollce state and corruption of governments and news media. Most things post 9/11. Would definately recommend continuing this series. 5/5


Thanks so much for this! <3 If Logan looks familiar to you like you said, it's because he was in an episode of Charmed. Season 1 Episode 18. "When Bad Warlocks Turn Good"


I watched this show when it originally aired. It was just the type of show I liked, even back then. The Pulse basically shut down everything, so society crumbled, including technology. That's the explanation they can use for why the technology doesn't look very advanced. Except some things that the government or wealthy have been able to do. The actor you recognized has been on a few things. Besides this show, he was also on NCIS for many years. I liked this show, but not everyone did, and it made some mistakes that helped lead it to being cancelled after just 2 years. But I still like it.


What mistakes did it make to lead to cancellation? I thought Fox decided to just cut it short to try Firefly. Like they only had one spot to fill and it was a toss up between trying Firefly and Renewing it for a Third season. This series has always been one of my favorites since i was a kid. I even got the books that continued the story after season 2 ended!


seeing Dollhouse: oh thank you! sees Dark Angel: Oh its Christmas!!!


Watched this back in the day. It had its ups and downs, but I liked it quite a bit. I'd definitely watch your reactions to it if you make this a regular thing :)


just recently borrow them off my sister, used to watched it as a kid but couldn't remember much from it. If you have seen NCIS that is where the guy is from.

Jarrod Wild

I was a fan when this first aired. I remember this being hyped a lot before it premiered, and the pilot was apparently very expensive for its time. And I fell in love with Jessica Alba! This was Cameron's only attempt at a TV show, and I wish it had been more successful.


Kind of wish this would be a show they'd try to remake but on CW, CBS or Netflix because Fox has a habit of canceling good shows.🐺


I saw the original airing, but never rewatched the series. I think it holds up well for sci-fi. An alternate timeline where "the pulse" did bad stuff to computers. There's no cellphones, just beepers. No digital communication, just analog dial-up and the internet is 80s bulletin board sized. And so everything sucks. I'll mostly buy that. Not sure why no cellphones means the Space Needle is broken, but it makes for a badass pose, so it gets a pass. :)


Right, Can the team that did Arrow do the Dark Angel reboot? :)

Elisa Ingo

Where's Jensen? I thought he was in this show...

Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, Jessica Alba is damn sexy. The show itself is ok but there's a lot of cringeworthy dialogue. I think Alias did a better job of portraying an exceptionally skilled assassin type.

Nicole Garver

I enjoy Dark Angel. It's definitely a product of its time, but for what it is I like it. Didn't watch when it aired, but because I love Jensen Ackles so much, I went back and watched this (and Smallville).


Michael and Jessica were also engaged for a while. Another show cut short.

Chris (darkwater)

Gotta remember, there was an EMP which would have probably delayed tech advancement too.. so a lot of places still are rocking the late 90s/early 2000s tech :)

Patrick - Excelsior

I watched this when it aired, really enjoyed it. I look forward to when it eventually get added to the list.


I watched it when it first aired. I really loved it and then they canceled it. I would love to see this added to the list as well . . . when you’re through with a few shows and there’s time 😊


this was easily my favourite show by a very long shot... really couldn't tell you how many times i've watched it beginning to end! then i discovered BtVS a few years back (long after it aired) and it has been Dark Angel's only competition for my #1 favourite show. some days Buffy pulls ahead, while Dark Angel will always hold a special place, one that Buffy will always crave :P but likely never obtain. dearly hope you decide to react to the full show :)

Scarlett Monrow

It's a decent series. In all honesty, a mediocre acting from Jessica Alba (I know it's one of her first roles and she becomes much better actress later). But, of course, the one thing that drew me in was Jensen Ackles (Dean!!!). He was so young and cute!


One of my favorite shows of all time so happy to see someone react to it even if it's just for a single episode <3


Saw it when it first aired. Predictably, fell in love with Jessica Alba on screen. I'm really pleasantly surprised how well it holds up. Max's way to diffuse the situation was very clever and didn't rely on just applying pure muscle to every obstacle. I remember loving the first season. Afterward...


Have you tried Lost Girl. You might like it, if you liked Dark Angel.


Jensen would have been around 21 or 22 when this was filmed. Baby Jensen!