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Andrew Polinski

Sameen went with them at the end because as Root said she needs to start trusting the machines decisions and the machine asked her to go with them ( which was the reason for the dating app match) I think the machine made John a cop because it knew there was no other job he would be able settle doing.


Great start to the season! We get to see that it's really a new world out there. I really like the idea of building a hidden and independent communication network by repurposing old unused TV antennas. It solves the writers' problem of letting the team communicate without being spied on by Samaritan and puts another great science fiction idea into the show's pocket. The thought of creating so-called self-sustaining "mesh networks" from any large swarm of devices or objects with radio antennas (like people's cell phones on a crowded street, or cars on the road, or old TV antennas like in the show) has been floating around in the tech world for a long time. Such a network could provide internet access or peer-to-peer communication in places without existing WiFi infrastructure. It could also allow people to communicate over a network that doesn't belong to a large telecom company. As far as I know, the idea has unfortunately never been mass adopted anywhere. So on a scale of what they showed in POI it remains in the realm of science fiction. P.S.: I'm once again reminded that the POI team later went on to do West World (which had a massively larger budget). I won't say what to avoid spoilers, but there's an interesting idea from this episode that definitely gets reused in West World.