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Brandon Wiesner

I think the show generally has been decent. I think one mistake they made though was having her go back to her hometown. She was much more interesting when she was working for Fisk in New York, taking down different syndicates. I realize they had to do what Marvel loves to do when making a movie or series centered around a villain, make them more of an anti-hero. That's all well and good but the pace of the show slowed way down once she left New York. The fight at the roller rink had decent moments in it but it was still not nearly as good as when she was in Hawkeye or in the first episode. The thing they are doing well is displaying how unstable Fisk is emotionally. He throws a fit whenever someone says no to him, which we saw also in DD. I think he killed the translator so that no one would know about Maya and the relationship the two of them have. Yes, it was brutal and unnecessary but we know Fisk is always thinking about every scenario playing out in his head and as much as he loses control at times, he is also very calculated. One more ep to go!