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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w4vm1s4ewhav490t4vzun/Chuck-S05E01-Chuck-Versus-The-Zoom-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=y7t1kk42o3k9vt1z545p41eet&dl=0

Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!



Jeremy Burch

I thought this was a good episode, Morgan with the intersect was interesting, it was also interesting to see Chuck learn who he is without the intersect, I liked the discussion he had with his sister and with Sarah at the end of the episode. All that money that Hartley/Volkoff left to Chuck and Sarah is already gone in just 1 episode, thanks to Decker. Decker, what's your problem with Chuck? Seriously, your kind of annoying, maybe you can go hang out with Jeff and Lester, somewhere else. Speaking of Jeff and Lester, once again doing something that should probably land them in jail, let alone get them fired. It was cool seeing Mark Hamill in the episode, also don't know if you noticed but General Beckman was no longer in the opening credits.

Jim Lewis

Yay. I have finally caught up with the reactions! Took just over a week to watch serasons 1-4 of your reactions. Amazing every single one. Thank you for sticking with the show.