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I was wondering if you'd catch that line. Yes he said "There's still Buffy". Double entendre of course with Jason Behr and that Buffy and Roswell were paired together as the shows that jumped from WB to UPN this season and cross promoting with Enterprise.


1. I give ZERO. fucks about the girl in the red dress wanting to smoke in the car ....She's like "It's cold outside!" .....Bish... It's HIS. car ....If you want to smoke ...Get the FUCK. out .........That struck a nerve I guess ....Too many people I had to drive around who THOUGHT. they could smoke in my car ....Nah bish ....You can freeze to death for all I care ...You about the guy telling her off: "That was rude" .....I strongly disagree Froots ....I'm a big supporter of: "My car.. My rules" 2. Aight... 3x04 has got some product placement going on ...Apparently the Roswell highschool is fancy enough to afford Apple Mac computers and Nokia decided to pitch in for this episode aswell as we get a full shot of Liz's Nokia phone .......What's next??? Promoting other shows??? ...smirk... 3. I meaaaaan... First of all... Big camera like that? ...People WILL. notice ....But aside from that ...The whole "consent" thing is mostly bullshit that ignorant people will try to hide behind ....If you're in a PUBLIC. place ...By law... People ARE. allowed to film you ...NO. consent is needed ....When you are in public it is legal to record someone (video and audio) as long as they don’t have what is called "an expectation of privacy" or rather a reasonable expectation of privacy (basically meaning you can't record phone calls without letting the other person know you're doing so)... And generally in public.. You do NOT. have a reasonable expectation of privacy since you're in PUBLIC. ...UNLESS. the building or place you're visiting has SPECIFIC. rules against recording it means that in most public places you CAN. record people .....I looked this up by the way... This isn't me making shit up... This comes from a couple of lawyers perspectives ...There were several threads stating similar things ....People who think they can expect privacy while out in public are idiots 4. How is this conversation going to happen between Isabel and her parents??? "Hey mum and dad... Y'know Jesse? ...The guy dad is working with?? Welp... We've been dating for 3 months and oh ...Beeteedubs... We're getting married" ........Bish... If the dad isn't going to have TOTAL. meltdown over this news I'm gonna be really fucking SHOOKETH. 5. Ok so Liz FULLY. came along with Kyle to see his opa with the intent on recording him ....Why ELSE. would she be hauling around this big ass camera inside the old folks home??? ....I can already see where this might go ....Old geezer says something about aliens and Liz "just happens" to catch it on tape 6. Also.... Liz is shoving her camera into people's faces saying: "This is the perfect place to do this" .....Where are the nurses and stuff??? Why is nobody telling her to fuck off?? Imagine being old and senile and some young teens have YOLO'd into your place of peace and are shoving a camera in your face for clout 7. I'm not gonna lie... But if my mum would give me money to give to my sibling cause she was worried about them (the same way Isabel's mum was worried about Max) .....Well... Froots... You already know what I would do ...Keep it myself ...Easy money amiryt?! (I'm right) 8. True... Isabel can't tell Jesse the truth cause it'd put everyone in danger ...But Max can just YOLO off to Los Angeles to look for some shape-shifter??? Where does this imaginary line end that Isabel supposedly has to be careful not to cross?? ....Why can the guys do whatever the fuck they want to put everyone in danger ...But Isabel is supposed to stay under the radar?? 9. MAX!!! You fucking amateur!! You don't break into a place and have your phone on!! You leave it somewhere so you can't get traced... At least set the thing to vibrate! Do you WANT. to get caught!? ......Aaaaand he got caught ...Ofcourse ....Dumbass 10. Max is talking to the girl about what she saw and there's a sound of a twig snapping in the background but it's not mentioned at all??? It was loud as fuck ...How did they NOT. hear that shit?? ....And did Jason Behr just react to it on camera and they forgot to edit it out?? 11. Really you old fart??? Do you hear yourself??? You're saying this woman on the old movie set in Roswell got hit by lightning on a clear day??? ....A... CLEAR!!!!... Day????? ...I'm not a meteorologist or anything ...But I'm pretty fucking sure that lightning doesn't strike unless there's at LEAST. SOME. clouds in the air 12. Aight so Isabel skipped straight to telling her parents about the part where she's getting married?? ....Yeah nah ...Don't need to bother with the whole 3 month relationship bit ...This ...Well... This actually went better than I expected ...But the scene got cut off so I'm guessing we'll get back to it in a few minutes and the dad probably died of a heart attack or maybe Jesse shows up and he ends up strangling Jesse or something ...Y'know... Some type of light response to this type of news when a dad finds out his 18 year old daughter.. Who is SUPPOSED. to be the smart one... Is marrying a guy she's been dating for 3 whole months ...Btw.. This is the only Isabel scene that made it into the edit ...And it's CUT. UP. ...Mom.. Dad.. I'm getting married!! Let's eat ...Cut to next scene 13. Phlox: "Rigelian fever has swept through the ship and we urgently need a source of rytalin" ..Does he mean ritalin??? The stuff used to calm down people with ADHD?? Boy has he come to the right place ...Around this time every kid in the U.S. was basically on that stuff ...South Park made a big joke out of it 14. I just looked this up... And aside from this being a cross-promotion for UPN between Roswell, Star Trek: Enterprise and Buffy since they all moved to UPN during the time this episode aired ...It wasn't originally going to be John Billingsley (Dr. Phlox) who was going to be attending the casting session scene ...It was going to be Scott Bakula (Captain Jonathan Archer) ...But they felt it was TOO. fourth wall breaking to have the lead actor there and instead went for a smaller yet still prominent character/actor by having John Billingsley there 15. Also yeah ...Jason Behr WAS. on Buffy but that was in 1997 ...4 years before this came out ....It would've been cool if that was ALSO. part of the cross-promotion and/or if he had also had some sort of role on Star Trek: Enterprise ...But this was all there is unfortunately ...An idea that some of the creators of both Roswell and Star Trek: Enterprise came up with ...Buffy was just a mention since it was on the same network and made the move the same year 16. Bit of a fuckup... Max uses his powers to project a picture onto the wall to see who the shape-shifter is ....He finds a clear shot of him ....STOPS. using his powers ...But the projection is STILL. on the wall ....It's a fuckup ...OR... Max just burned a VERY. noticable permanent picture into a concrete wall 17. Also... The shape-shifter is Joe Pantoliano ...An actor who I thought only did movies ....He was Cypher in The Matrix ....Which makes me wonder now ...Max's "agent" mentioned Keanu Reeves earlier ...I wonder if it was a name drop cause they were both in the same movie or if it was just coincidence 18. You: "Pretty cool they had the crossovers... They had the doctor from Enterprise... Which I knew who that guy is ...I've seen 7 episodes" .....Well at least you knew he was a doctor ...There's that 19. Also you: "And then the other guy... Was he William Shatner?? Don't judge me ...I've seen like 5 episodes of Enterprise only" ...Aight you already forgot how many episodes you watched??? You legit JUST. said 7 episodes you dum dum ...I CAN. understand however how you got confused though ...It wasn't William Shatner... It was Jonathan Frakes (who has been on the show before, as well as on The Librarians) ....But he PLAYED. a character named William Riker which people pointed out every time he showed up ....So that's most likely how you got confused ...It's fine... I mean... William Shatner and Jonathan Frakes don't look identical at all and William Shatner is recognizable as fuck even for someone who never watched Star Trek ...But whatevs ....You're still a dum dum though ...Yeah that's right ...I'm judging you ...Whatchu gonna do 'bout it??? Correct... Nothing ...Ya frikkin Froot Loop! ;)