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Next to fixing CleanROM bugs and adding some user-requested features to it, I've spent most of my spare time continuing my Android 9 porting work for our GPD XD+.

It's going slow though, and every day I'm presented with new issues that need fixing, turning my todo-list into an ever-growing list of tasks rather than shrinking it.

To make things harder, I've reached a point where the the serial port stops spitting out useful information... and with the vendor blobs being the closed source mess they are, it's difficult for me to add additional debug output to them to trace the remainder issues down further.

I have a plan though... the Android system itself, unlike the vendor-specific parts of the system, are opensource and do allow me to add additional debugging output if I so desire.

Long story short: I will go on a little goose-chase here... and recompile all the affected crashing services into more verbose versions of themselves, redirecting their output to the serial port, in the hope of receiving additional logs that could help me in identifying the remainder issues.

I don't expect miracles of this, but it should give me some clues as to how I should proceed from this point forward.

I will keep you guys posted!

- Black-Seraph




Hey Seraph, would you happen to know if you could squash the logcat spam of "D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xf1a03000) throttle end: throttle time(10)" ? This happens all the time when I've deployed a Unity game to the GPD XD Plus and sometimes I'm needing to watch the debug outpit for any error messages, or if I'm playing a Unity game and want to see what errors the game emits (ie. buggy release, checking if there's any sneaky messages from Debug calls, etc).


Normally one would just "grep -v throttle" the log to get rid of the messages.


Sure, but what if you're using Windows CMD and adb logcat command? How would you pipe that, since grep is not built into CMD and I really don't want to have to install MSYS2 just for a unix-like terminal...


So instead of filtering logs like a normal person would you'd rather have the whole operating system you're logging from rewritten to... not log? This makes very little sense to me. Either way though: logcat has a filter system built-in that you can utilize to only log the parts you are actually interested in. adb logcat -s "Tagname" is what you are looking for. Replace Tagname with the log-tag you've assigned to your application.


Sorry, I'm probably not making myself clear. On Linux, I would run "adb logcat | grep -v 'throttle'" like you suggested. Basically what I'm trying to do is get everything from the OS but the AudioFlinger crap as it's way too verbose (probably set to debug mode?). And with Windows CMD and it's limited scrollback, some debugging lines scroll right past in the flood of AudioFlinger crap. Besides this, if I was just to look for certain tags like "Unity", does it include others like "UnityAds" or "UnityPlayer"? Can I do multiple tags or a wildcard like "Unity*"? Some modules of Unity have different log tags and I may still want the output from them, without the rest of logcat. Sorry if I confused you, I should have made it clear. I just haven't seen that AudioFlinger verbosity spew before.