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Update: 11/13
Checking in. I want to say that this thing is almost finished. I don't have a specific day I can claim will be the release day, however. But it's large, it's fun, and it should be worth the wait when I do drop it soon.

I'll likely continue the trend of full comic releases rather than partial updates through the holidays, and I'll work on trying to figure out a way to dish out smaller updates afterward. I need to do an update to Sentai which hopefully won't be as large as this thing, but I also want to get the second part of Girl in the Globe done in time for Christmas. So, however long those things take will determine what else I can get out in this window of time. It's likely those will be the only two after this.

But I know I get pretty quiet when I'm pushing to finish something, so I wanted to just check in and let you guys know where I'm at. That I haven't disappeared, I'm just getting carried away with a project like usual. :P




mega yubeeeeel hAPPY HALLOWEEN

Bal tha mele

Happy Halloween 🎃

NG (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 15:06:44 Have you given up on projects like Witchy then?
2023-11-25 08:26:40


For a brief window. This one is pretty huge and the Christmas one likely will be as well. But I'll get back to them afterward.