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Hey, everyone.

So, that Halloween comic I thought was nearly done has grown into a monster. I kept wanting to do stuff with it and have a real tight story with a fulfilling end and enough in the middle to feel like a really enjoyable tale. It's probably going to be the largest thing I've made in a very long time.

Because of how long it's taking and what day it is, I'm going to split it this evening and upload the first bit tonight, while you all wait for me to finish the second bit, which hopefully won't be too much longer. Like, I'm almost there, I almost have my vision completed with this and I am really happy with how it's coming. It's one of my favorite stories I've told in a very long time. But it's not there yet.

I am sorry that sometimes my stuff takes a really long time. I want to try to find a way to do smaller things, I really do. But I also really want to create stuff that people want to come back to and read again and again, rather than just some rompy one-offs. I hope I'm at least accomplishing that, and I really hope this comic is going to be one of those that you all keep coming back to.

But I'll have something tonight. May not be exactly half, might be more. It depends on what feels like a good break point, and I think I know where that should be. I just have to finish piecing it together. And hopefully I'll have it all to you guys in a day or two, I really want to get the second half of Girl in the Globe out by Christmas, if possible. IDK if I'll semi-animate that or not, if I do it may not be until after. But my other updates will resume once these two holiday stories are out. GitG shouldn't be half as large as this, lol...

In January I'm going to focus on trying to get smaller updates out for Sentai, Batson, and Witchy. IDK if it'll work out that way, but that's what I'm going to shoot for. Then I'll probably figure out where I want to go from there.

Anywho, thanks for taking a moment to read my wall of text and I will see you all later with a bit of dark smutty storytelling. :)

- Kara



best halloween in christmas time hehehe


Wheres the jinxed comic?