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I took the changes slower than originally planned and turned this into more of a psychological erotic thriller. I hope you guys enjoy.

Going to try to get something out for Halloween before I pick this back up. I started working on it when I was having trouble with writing. It's been really hard for me to not fall into repetition with my creations, but I hope this feels new enough to enjoy.

Halloween thing won't be anything deep or developed, just a fun thing between these more involved story chapters. I'm still struggling to figure out a good way to release bits and pieces, it's really hard because I look at a block of 20-30 pages and it feels like it doesn't have any sort of payoff. So IDK what to do, but I'll keep on creating so long as you guys want it.

You can read the full thing in my Standard Folder or by downloading the attached PDF files.

Cheers and thank you for your support.
<3 Kara




THAT just before my birthday thank you! Kara!!


try megaupload too