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I wrote a few blurbs for Gweyr Quest 3, the one with the Lureling where you learn what every companion's biggest fear is, and I figured I'd throw it onto my Patreon.  Normally I'd just release this for free, since it's such a small amount of work, but some people prefer not to be spoiled when I post blurbs or docs, so I'm putting it on here for a dollar; if you care enough to pay money for it to read it ahead of time, then you clearly don't care about spoilers.


Agnimitra GweyrQuest 3 stuff

Swimming Agnimitra isn't taking to the water very well: her swimming is shoddy and lopsided, with her wings moving out of sync with her legs, and she's flailing as if she's drowning. Every so often, she remembers that Imora's magical ink will keep her from drowning - but it only distracts ...


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