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The marathon of catch-up continues! It's winding down though. At least the time critical parts anyway.

This is the cover I chose... however it's not the only possible cover Image I have made. I'll post the other later. I like that one too it's just that of the 6 (now 7) printed books that I've made (one no longer being available) Mik has been on the cover as every single one of them and though that in of itself isn't an issue I looked over the "catalog" of printed material and on hindsight I wished I exercised a little more variety!

The colors of this one is okay for the most part. The CMYK conversion completely ate the teal of the 'top' and shades though. The original was a lot more vibrant and hid the highlights well. I tried fixing it for the web (since I didn't save a pre-cmyk version, sigh) but it just doesn't feel the same.



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