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Okay so cyber sleuthing tells me that the page I've been using to do these posts (the plus sign by my account icon) is kind of funky and the alternative is the quick post feature under the "all posts" link on the actual front page. Trying it out and yeah - looks like I can see all of the brackets now. Problem solved! When editing the $10 tier still doesn's show up so that's.... odd. Oh well, looks like I have to keep this in mind! I'm also here to test out gif animations. I wanted to do a gif or swf for the front page image but that was no go. Let's see how this turns out. Quick blinky bust I just sketched out of a Long haired Mara. I really need to take a page from Ty Lowell's book and do an eye/face chart because I'm getting pretty same facey lately. Without colors this could have very well been one of several characters I've been drawing lately. Anywho It'd be nice if I can stick gifs somewhere on the front page. If not oh well. That's what [personal] websites are for! This is actually the second time I did this drawing today. The first attempt was lost due to a power spike Boo. If Im showing up too many times in your feed worry not! Once I get the hang of everything I'll mellow out~




Afraid to say this isn't animated. :/ Looks like it posted as .jpg.


Well.... boo. Here's what you're supposed to see. <a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/Coin/Animation1.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/Coin/Animation1.gif</a> Because I'm a degenerate here is a flash version with boob toggles. <a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/Coin/Untitled-1.swf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/Coin/Untitled-1.swf</a> I wanted to edit this into the main update but the site wont save edits now?!? At least after several attempts they haven't been saving. I think the site has been getting stealth updating as I've been looking into things because boxes and drop downs and scroll wheels that were never there before are appearing and disappearing randomly. That would also explain why I found it impossible to log in using other browsers let alone other computers.


And since the failed edit attempts I can't see the image at all now. Feh.


Q? is this all drawn in flash or is it a mix of SAi and or PS then exported to flash? just wondering. and thank you.


It's drawn in sai and then arranged in flash. Ideally I'd use flash files for everything from here since I can optimize file sizes in crazy ways but Gifs have wayyyyy more support than flash does so I use camstudio with a lossless codec to record the flash file to an avi and then convert a loop into a gif that way. Although flash is heavily involved with the tweaks and scripting I almost never use flash itself for the art because vector art is slow or ugly as sin and because I'm not a real animator [nor do I have ambitions to become one] I figure tossing around PNGs is a better way for me to go.