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Patreon doesn't handle flash files? Shame that. That means you have to click to see what it's really about! Censored ofc. but it's an example of what to look forward to in the future!

(Taken from a Sexyfur submission I created last year)



I'm trying to give an update to my $10 tier subscribers but it's not giving me an option to post to them specifically. In fact I don't get any option at all until it's sent to drafts or posted publically and then editted. Maybe it's my browser or the various script blockers/ etc?!? I'll see what the issue is so I can get a good handle on it.

Also I was just advised not to start just yet since payments are still being processed and I won't actually know what I have until it's all in! I was also told that there is a panel meant to message only those who actually contributed that month with content. I still plan on leaving images on the basic feed but certain things like image polls/ voting, PSDs, SWFs, and direct download [non youtube] files to videos and whatnot will be sent through that panel only and only to those who have a verified status during that month period! I will host links to entire archives of past content but again it will only be accessible for verified patrons!

Growing pains I guess but I'll figure out how this all goes down soon enough.

For now I still have the Folio to work on since I'm on overtime and I have until Friday night to finish putting it together. I should finish before then but UNTIL then I'm on a marathon working mode.


(No title)


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