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Hello and welcome to our new segment called Monday Post Extra! If you ever experienced the marvel that is my "Monday Surprise" posts, you know exactly what to expect. ^^

First let's talk the progress I made during last week. Alright, so I am about half-done with Skinny Lily's story events. I imagine I should be completely done by Wednesday. And then I will be switching to working on art assets right away.

Speaking of art assets. I actually managed to get some artsy stuff done this week. I had a bad writing day so I decided to switch to drawing for a bit. Still have plenty of work ahead of me in that regard though.

As I already mentioned in the Monday Post, Lily's story will feature a couple of familiar faces along with some original characters. All and all I am really excited to share at least some bits of her story with you as soon as possible. Maybe I will do that in a development update video.

Also on a personal note August is approaching and things are already starting to get set in motion. Thanks to your support though I think everything should be fine. I can't wait to stop being cryptic but must be patient.

And that is about it. Queen Trainer is taking shape more and more and the characters are really starting to feel alive to me. That is a good sign. Thank you for making it possible. Without your support none of my projects would ever see the light of day. I would probably just die one day with all this stuff still in my head.

I will see you all next Monday. Stay safe, brothers.




Of course Zeus would be here, he fucks everything.

Trevor Bond

Stay safe and stay awesome man!


ironically Zues in mythos was rather tame vs his brother posideon. that guy fucked anything that moved.