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I really hope you enjoyed the vlog tonight.  My word - that table was a challenge to put up!  It does feel great to have it in place though and we are happy to say that 12 chairs from the same era are on their way to us we hope within 3 or 4 weeks.

After yesterday's car issues today was about computer issues for me sadly.  I have taken so many photos that my computer has seized up with nearly 2 terabytes of photos on it!  It was very frustrating stopping me editing, so I have had to delete some videos and and put some onto hard drives.   

Progress was made though and I think tomorrow will be a better day!

In my photo sorting I came across this one  I took a few weeks ago. It's the buildings and light like this that made me fall in love with Barcelona.   During lockdown I lived for 8 months on my own here not able to see the girls more than twice and not knowing anyone here except my business partner.   So I did a lot of walking and looking up.    This was a street near where I used to live in my favourite Eixample area.  Isn't it gorgeous!




👏🏻❤️ Fabulous!


Barcelona is my favorite city anywhere. The year I lived in Madrid I would go there as often as I could. The architecture there is stunning.