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If I’m honest today was ‘one of those days’ ! Most of which was spent getting to and from a car accident repair centre. (Our gate is a bit too narrow for modern cars and let’s just say it didn’t go so well recently! :)). I also managed to get stuck in and underground carwash by mistake... but the less said about that the better.

Returning to the house however the stresses of the day felt a lot better. This is me persuading Ophelia to come downstairs for Seven Times Table practice!  She is such a cutey but sitting down to do maths takes some persuading!

I hope your Tuesdays were a little more successful! On a happier note - on Saturday Eduin and Veronica are brining the two statues so we can see them both in situ and compare. Decision time soon!




Oh Ollie , I feel your pain . Getting my girls to do their homework was character building for all of us . Hope you have had a nice cup of tea and recovered from the ordeals of the day . Really loving yours and camillas efforts to keep us up to date with all you do . Very interesting - thank you both


Chin up, turn that frown upside down LOL. I know, it's annoying when people tell me that too but hey, as you say, we have a LOT to be grateful for xx