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Hey everyone!

I'll be taking a break from weekly updates during February, to focus on some larger projects.  I'm really excited about them and hope I'll be able to share more soon! Since there will be no new content during February,  payments are paused and you won't be charged.

See you all in March! Thank you so much for your support!


Mika W

Looking forward to those Projects.

Curious Krissy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-06 06:18:02 Yay larger projects! <3 <3 We'll be eagerly waiting!
2020-02-01 03:39:55 Yay larger projects! <3 <3 We'll be eagerly waiting!

Yay larger projects! <3 <3 We'll be eagerly waiting!

Johnson Adamson

Hello, I just subscribed but did not know this information. What should I do?


Hey there! Thanks for subscribing! New patrons are not affected by the pause and haven't been charged extra. Pausing is meant to prevent existing patrons from paying twice. New patrons are charged for last month's content and everything available to their tier, same as if they had joined in January before payments were paused. That said, I'll be happy to refund you ASAP, no questions asked. Just private message me the date of your original transaction. More info on requesting a refund: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021113811-Requesting-a-refund